This is a small playground to compare the behavior of iOS's built-in NSDateComponentsFormatter with TTTTimeIntervalFormatter, a part of Mattt Thompson's FormatterKit. This was inspired by the Stack Overflow question on this topic: .
I was trying to understand, do the improvements in iOS mean that NSDateComponentsFormatter can now be used instead of TTTTimeIntervalFormatter, to provide colloquial descriptions of past moments?
Short answer: no.
Long answer: No, most obviously because NSDateComponentsFormatter doesn't handle past moments at all and doesn't format the present moment into a colloquial phrase. In addition, TTTTimeIntervalFormatter is configurable in various ways.
This table shows the issues:
SECONDS | TTTTimeIntervalFormatter | NSDateComponentsFormatter
-1488010 | 2 weeks ago | -1 week remaining
-1468800 | 2 weeks ago | -1 week remaining
-864000 | 1 week ago | 0 seconds remaining
-86400 | 1 day ago | -1 day remaining
-36000 | 10 hours ago | -10 hours remaining
-3600 | 1 hour ago | -1 hour remaining
-600 | 10 minutes ago | -10 minutes remaining
-60 | 1 minute ago | -1 minute remaining
-10 | 10 seconds ago | -10 seconds remaining
-1 | 1 second ago | -1 second remaining
-0 | just now | 0 seconds remaining
0 | just now | 0 seconds remaining
1 | 1 second from now | 1 second remaining
10 | 10 seconds from now | 10 seconds remaining
60 | 1 minute from now | 1 minute remaining
600 | 10 minutes from now | 10 minutes remaining
3600 | 1 hour from now | 1 hour remaining
36000 | 10 hours from now | 10 hours remaining
86400 | 1 day from now | 1 day remaining
864000 | 1 week from now | 1 week remaining
1468800 | 2 weeks from now | 2 weeks remaining
1488010 | 2 weeks from now | 2 weeks remaining