( Archived because I don't want dependabot or anything like that passing through here. If you have any questions, send me an email or find me on twitter. )
HUGE WARNING: this is highly experimental, have only tried in my computer and needs root for setting the colors.
I take no responsability in what happens if you use this.
Turns out you can change the color of the LED in the back of a PS4 controller by, as it tends to be the case with everything in Linux, just writing values in files.
This CLI does that.
Got bored one day and decided to write this so I could change the color of the leds in the PS4 handlers I use for playing games on my Linux laptop.
Usage: ps4-controller-color <command> [options]
ps4-controller-color list Lists controller
ps4-controller-color random-color Set a random color for a handler. If
[handler] not specified, will target the first
ps4-controller-color random-interval Set a random color for a handler
<time> [handler] every . If not specified, will
target the first handler
ps4-controller-color set-color <color> Set color for a handler. If not
[handler] specified, will target the first
--version Show version number [boolean]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
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