weekendCompiler uses fastf1 api for data scraping, pd for dataframe manipulation, datetime for date changing, and dfply for data cleaning.
For those unaware, dfply is a package that mimics the "dplyr" package from R. I used this because I'm most familiar with cleaning data using R, but I wanted to keep everything in python.
- Index: unnecessary but I can't remove it
- Driver (str): Driver number
- LapTime (float): Lap time of the last finished lap (in seconds)
- NumberOfLaps (int): Number of laps driven by this driver including the lap in this row
- NumberOfPitStops (int): Number of pit stops of this driver
- Sector1/2/3Time (pandas.Timedelta): Sector times (one column for each sector time)
- SpeedI1/I2/FL/ST: Speed trap speeds; FL is speed at the finish line; I1 and I2 are speed traps in sector 1 and 2 respectively; ST maybe a speed trap on the longest straight
- Compound (str): Tire compound
- New: New (bool): Whether the tire was new when fitted
- AirTemp (float): Air temperature [°C]
- Humidity (float): Relative humidity [%]
- Pressure (float): Air pressure [mbar]
- Rainfall (bool): Shows if there is rainfall
- TrackTemp (float): Track temperature [°C]
- WindSpeed (float): Wind speed [km/h]
- Practice (int): Which practice session lap took place in
- Grand Prix: Which grand prix entry corresponds too
Note that Qualifying prefix references the data during the driver's best qualifying lap.