This is an implementation of the algorithm I developed in my master's thesis. DDIN is a distributed algorithm for frequent sequence mining that allows users to specify which subsequences should be considered for the mining.
The thesis describes the algorithm in more detail. Here, we give a quick overview over the most relevant parts of the code and how one can run the experiments in the thesis.
The code is based on the DESQ implementation of Kaustubh Beedkar and Rainer Gemulla.
contains high-level code for mapping over input sequences, shuffling candidate sequences, and mining
contains low-level code for determining pivot items for input sequences, constructing NFAs, and mining partitions
encodes candidate sequences as an NFA. It contains code to build a tree from accepting paths through the FST, to merge suffixes of an NFA, and to serialize an
decodes an NFA that was serialized by path using variable-length integer encoding to an internal representation by state, which is we use for local mining.DesqRunner.scala
is a driver class to conveniently run experiments. Contains definitions for the pattern expressions used in the thesis experiments.
You can either run DDIN locally from the IDE, or one can use spark-submit
to a Spark/YARN cluster. Local running is straightforward and can be started by running DesqRunner
. In the following, we describe running on a cluster.
To build a reduced jar file that can be used in Spark, run:
mvn package -DskipTests -f pom.spark.xml
To run an application on a Spark cluster, one typically creates a jar that contains the application's dependencies and submits this jar to the cluster. The POM file pom.spark.xml
excludes dependencies that are bundled in Spark and some classes that our application does not use. The above command creates this jar in target/desq-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
. One can build a full jar by running the command without the -f pom.spark.xml
Assuming you created a jar target/desq-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
, have set $SPARK_HOME
, and have set up a valid YARN configuration on you machine, you can run the following:
${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit \
--master yarn \
--deploy-mode cluster \
--class de.uni_mannheim.desq.examples.spark.DesqRunner \
--executor-memory 64g \
--driver-memory 16g \
--num-executors 8 \
--executor-cores 8 \
--driver-cores 1 \
--conf "spark.executor.extraJavaOptions=-XX:+UseG1GC" \
/path-to-ddin-code/target/desq-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar \
input=hdfs:///path-to-input-DesqDataset/ \
output=hdfs:///output-path/ \
case=[case] \
The path specified by input
should contain a DesqDataset
. There are pointers on how to create a DesqDataset
in DesqBuilderExample.scala
The case
option gives quick access to pattern expressions used in the thesis:
: the running example in the thesisA1
, andN5
all with pre-defined sigma-values as given in the thesis.L-sigma-gamma-lambda
: LASH-style constraints - maximum gap constraint gamma, maximum length constraint lambda, and every match item is generalizedM-sigma-gamma-lambda
: MG-FSM-style constraints - maximum gap constraint gamma, maximum length constraint lambda, no generalizations
For parameter algorithm
, the baseline algorithms and algorithm variants from the thesis are available:
: Distributed DESQ-COUNTDDIS
: Shuffle input sequences to the partitionsDDIN
: Shuffle NFA, suffixes merged and NFAs aggregated by countDDIN\NA
: As DDIN, but suffixes are unmerged an NFAs are not aggregated by countDDIN\A
: As DDIN, but no NFA aggregation by count
More information about running on YARN can be found in the Spark documentation. DDIN can also be launched using the Spark standalone mode.
We included the example dataset used in the thesis in the code repository at data/thesis-example/
. One can run the example pattern expression used in the thesis locally from the command line using the following:
${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit \
--master "local[4]" \
--class de.uni_mannheim.desq.examples.spark.DesqRunner \
/path-to-ddin-code/target/desq-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar \
input=file:///path-to-ddin-code/DesqDataset/ \
output=file:///output-path/ \
case=Thesis \