Copyright: Mark Percival 2008 -
License: MIT
Thanks to :
- Josh Davis -
- Alex Boussinet [email protected]
- Chris Veness -
- Michel I. Gallant -
- Kristof Neirynck - Fixes for IE7, YUI compression, JSLINT errors
// GibberishAES.enc(string, password)
// Defaults to 256 bit encryption
enc = GibberishAES.enc("This sentence is super secret", "ultra-strong-password");
GibberishAES.dec(enc, "ultra-strong-password");
// Now change size to 128 bits
enc = GibberishAES.enc("This sentence is not so secret", "1234");
GibberishAES.dec(enc, "1234");
// And finally 192 bits
enc = GibberishAES.enc("I can't decide!!!", "whatever");
GibberishAES.dec(enc, "whatever");
In Jascascript
GibberishAES.enc("Made with Gibberish\n", "password");
// Outputs: "U2FsdGVkX1+21O5RB08bavFTq7Yq/gChmXrO3f00tvJaT55A5pPvqw0zFVnHSW1o"
On the command line
echo "U2FsdGVkX1+21O5RB08bavFTq7Yq/gChmXrO3f00tvJaT55A5pPvqw0zFVnHSW1o" | openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -a -k password
The library is fully encapsulated, you should be able to drop it into nearly any website. The downside to this is that it grew with the addition of its own Base64 library and MD5 hashing algorithm.
Click here to run the test package in your browser.
The test script does require JQuery(included), but the basic GibberishAES does not.
It only supports CBC AES encryption mode, and it's built to be compatible with one of the most popular AES libraries available, OpenSSL. It also passed the FIPS certification from NIST.
One of my primary issues with other AES libraries is the lack of support for OpenSSL. One can't expect users to trust a library that's not compatible with a standard like OpenSSL. It's outside the range of many users to audit encryption code, and while compatibility doesn't ensure 100% compliance(especially with asymmetric encryption), one can come pretty close with a symmetric algorithm like AES where the only difference is how OpenSSL picks its random 8 byte salt.
The size of this library is under 25k when it's compressed and I feel that's adequate for most uses. Although I used lookup tables for Galois fields, the cost of the size increase was well offset by the more than 10 fold increase in speed.