The airflow-provider-kinetica
package provides a SQL operator and hook for Kinetica.
Features included in this package are:
- Airflow hook
- Airflow operator
- Custom connection type with customized connection UI.
Relevant files are:
File | Description |
kinetica_provider/ | Provider info |
example_dags/ | Example DAG with operator and hook. |
kinetica_provider/operator/ | Contains KineticaSqlHook |
kinetica_provider/hooks/ | Contains KineticaSqlOperator |
This step assumes that you have an existing distribution of the package. If not then you will need to follow the steps in 3. Building.
The package can be installed from the whl
$ pip install ./dist/airflow_provider_kinetica-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl
Successfully installed airflow-provider-kinetica-1.0.0
You will need to create a default connection named kinetica_default
. You can do this in the web UI or with the following syntax:
$ airflow connections add 'kinetica_default' \
--conn-type 'kinetica' \
--conn-login 'admin' \
--conn-password '???' \
--conn-host 'http://hostname:9191/'
This section explains how to setup an environment used for build and test.
To run Airflow we need a specific version of python with its dependencies and so we will use miniconda.
The following steps show how to install miniconda on Linux. You should check the Miniconda documentation for the most recent install instructions.
[~]$ wget
[~]$ bash
After installing make sure you are in the base
conda environment. Next we crate an airflow
conda environment.
(base) [~]$ conda create --name airflow python=3.8
(base) [~]$ conda activate airflow
(airflow) [~]$
These steps will show how to configure a standalone Airflow environment.
Note: Before starting make sure you have activated the airflow
conda envionmnet.
Determine the download URL of the airflow installer.
(airflow) [~]$ AIRFLOW_VERSION=2.6.1
(airflow) [~]$ PYTHON_VERSION="$(python --version | cut -d " " -f 2 | cut -d "." -f 1-2)"
(airflow) [~]$ CONSTRAINT_URL="${AIRFLOW_VERSION}/constraints-${PYTHON_VERSION}.txt"
(airflow) [~]$ echo $CONSTRAINT_URL
Install the Airflow package.
(airflow) [~]$ pip install --upgrade pip
(airflow) [~]$ pip install "apache-airflow==${AIRFLOW_VERSION}" --constraint "${CONSTRAINT_URL}"
You must provide a location that will be used for the $AIRFLOW_HOME
. We set this in the conda environment.
(airflow) [~]$ conda env config vars set AIRFLOW_HOME=~/fsq-airflow/airflow/standalone
(airflow) [~]$ conda env config vars list -n airflow
AIRFLOW_HOME = ~/fsq-airflow/airflow/standalone
You must re-activate the environment for the variable to get loaded.
(airflow) [~]$ conda activate airflow
(airflow) [~]$ echo $AIRFLOW_HOME
When you startup airflow in standalone mode it will copy files into $AIRFLOW_HOME
if they do not already exist. When startup is complete it will show the admin and user password for the webserver.
(airflow) [~]$ cd $AIRFLOW_HOME
(airflow) [standalone]$ airflow standalone
standalone | Airflow is ready
standalone | Login with username: admin password: 39FrRzqzRYTK3pc9
standalone | Airflow Standalone is for development purposes only. Do not use this in production!
You can edit the airflow.cfg
file if you need to change any ports.
When a package is installed for edit the contents of the specified directory get registered with the python environment. This allows for changes to be made without the need for reinstalling.
Change to the location of the package and install it as editable.
(airflow) [~]$ cd ~/fsq-airflow/airflow/airflow-provider-kinetica
(airflow) [airflow-provider-kinetica]$ pip install --editable .
Now you can restart airflow to see the installed provider. Uninstall the package when you are done.
(airflow) [airflow-provider-kinetica]$ python develop --uninstall
The conda environment created for testing can also be used for building. You will need the build package.
(airflow) [~]$ pip install build
From the location of the provider execute the build process.
(airflow) [~]$ cd ~/fsq-airflow/airflow/airflow-provider-kinetica
(airflow) [airflow-provider-kinetica]$ python -m build
Successfully built airflow-provider-kinetica-1.0.0.tar.gz and airflow_provider_kinetica-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl
It will create a "wheel" distribution package and you can use this to install the provider. If you have an editable version of the provider from the above section you should uninstall it first.
(airflow) [airflow-provider-kinetica]$ ls -1 ./dist
(airflow) [airflow-provider-kinetica]$ pip install ./dist/airflow_provider_kinetica-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl
Kinetica Docs
Airflow Docs
Building a Provider