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nvim-config: Provides a set of tools used for web development the main goal behind this repository is to provide an easy way to install in an easy way all the necessary plugins for Neovim and start coding without spending too much time configuring the plugins manually.

Custom Commands

  • UpdateRepoDotFiles: keep updated your checkout branch(HEAD)
  • FormatJSONV: format JSON files using python json.tool
  • FormatJSONV2: format JSON files using underscore. to use command you need to have installed underscore-cli npm install -g underscore-cli
  • FormatCss: command to expand ofuscated/minified css files.
  • FormatXML: command to expand and format xml files
  • FormatSQL: command to format sql files using sqlformat in ubuntu
  • FormatSQL2: command to format using a npm package in order to use this command make sure you have installed globally: npm i -g sql-formatter-cli
  • CopyFilePath: command to copy the current file path to the clipboard
  • SingleQuotesC: replace all the single quotes with double with confirmation
  • SingleQuotes: command to replace single quotes with double no confirmation required.
  • DoubleQuotesC: same as SingleQuotesC but changes single quotes to double quotes
  • DoubleQuotes: Same as DoubleQuotes but ask for confirmation
  • RemoveExtraEmptyLines: command to cleanup double empty lines and keep only one

Color schemes



  • Step 1: installing neovim Depending on your Operating system select one of the following commands:

    • Linux: sudo apt update && sudo apt install neovim

    • macOS: brew update && brew install neovim

  • Step 2: Clone the repository

    git clone [email protected]:alexesba/nvim-config.git ~/.config/nvim
    # or in case you have the ssh-keys:
    git clone ~/.config/nvim
  • Step 3: Then run the following commands within the ~/.config/nvim directory to make sure you check out the right tag version.

     cd ~/.config/nvim
     git checkout tags/vx.x.x  -b vx.x.x
    # Optional since Packer bootstrap tool will install Packer automatically once you open Neovim 

Optional Installation

# If you want to use the "live grep" option for Telescope, then you need to make
# sure that the "rg" command is installed in your system.

# To check if you have rg execute the command below.

which rg

# If you don't have it you have to install it in order to be able to use the
# "live grep" feature.

brew install rg


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