Textagraf is open source multiplatform ASP.NET Core documental web server hosted on http://textagraf.com.
Author: AlexArchen (Alexey Zakharchenko)
- REST architecture
- Entity Framework Core
- Works with both PDF and EPUB
- Converts PDF to html5
- Uses DOCODO.NET as search engine
See http://textagraf.com/Help/API or Wiki for more information
Textagraf is distributed under AGPL 3 license. It means that your server-side source code must be left open. However, one can obtain commercial licence for proprietary use.
Textagraf Server can be built by using Microsoft Visual Studio 15 or more.
All settings are placed in SearchServer/appsettings.json (sample in appsettings.Development.json)
Textagraf can be used as standalone Kestrel-based server on port 5000 or as IIS application.