Pucker is a No Limit Texas Hold'em emulator, together with a collection of four different players, that can be used to play against each other.
- Simulate Texas Hold'em poker rounds
- Generate statistics about the round winners and losers
- Given the end of a poker round, evaluate who are the winners, and reward the prizes
- Players should calculate an amount to bet, given a poker scenario
Game is the most important class. It manages the game rounds, collecting bets, dealing cards from the dealer to the players, evaluating winners and distributing rewards.
Dealer distributes Cards. Players receive Cards, and based on current state (position, previous bets...) it should calculate how much to bet. Calculating the bet is the optimization goal: it should maximize rewards on the long run.
To implement a new betting strategy, you should extend the Player class. There are some implemented examples:
- Player: always check
- DummyPlayer: bet randomly
- SimpleBnPlayer: uses a bayesian network to evaluate minimum bet and hand strength
- BnPlayer: similar to SimpleBnPlayer, but combines minimum bet with table strengh in a single bayesian variable
- BestBnPlayer: similar to GoodBnPlayer, but uses position instead of table rank
In addition, the framework has a logging class and a statistics class to track progress.
A full report of the whole project can be found on doc/final_report.pdf.
You must install JRuby, bundler (package manager) and project dependencies.
To install JRuby, you must first install Java (from your package manager).
Install RVM (ruby version manager) and finally JRuby:
$ gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB
$ \curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
$ rvm install jruby
- Instal bundler and project dependencies:
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install
To play around in IRB (interactive Ruby shell):
$ git clone https://github.com/alexandremcosta/pucker.git
$ cd pucker
$ irb
> require './lib/pucker'
> g = Pucker::Game.new
> g.play
The project currently has around 90% of code coverage from automated tests.
A Test-Driven Development approach was applied since the beginning of development.
Tests are capable of generating documentation.
To run the tests:
$ rspec --format doc # to view tests output as documentation
$ rspec # to simply run the tests without generating documentation
Current documentation generated by tests:
should have 5 players by default
should allow definition of number of players
collect bets (PENDING: Not yet implemented)
private methods
should rebuy players with insuficient stack
should set all players active and remove allin states
should rotate players
integration tests for rewards
sort players
reward eligible_players_by_rank
rewards players
deals cards
deals 52 different cards
doesn't deal 53 cards
allows dealer to continue dealing
should deal cards in different order
should delegate to container
should give 2 cards to each player
shouldnt change players size
when players have ZERO stack
should increase back its stack
when has low hand
when scenario is bad
should fold
when scenario is medium
should fold
when scenario is good
should raise
when has avg hand
when scenario is bad
should fold
when scenario is medium
should fold
when scenario is good
should raise
when has high hand
when scenario is bad
should check
when scenario is medium
should raise
when scenario is good
should raise
when has low hand
when scenario is bad
should fold
when scenario is medium
should fold
when scenario is good
should raise
when has avg hand
when scenario is bad
should fold
when scenario is medium
should fold
when scenario is good
should raise
when has high hand
when scenario is bad
should check
when scenario is medium
should raise
when scenario is good
should raise
when has low hand
when min_bet equals zero
should check
when min_bet greater than zero
should fold
when has avg hand
when min_bet equals zero
should raise
when min_bet greater than zero
should check
when has high hand
when min_bet equals zero
should raise
when min_bet greater than zero
should raise
should have a uniq id
should return what #bet returns
when player is NOT active
should be false
should check every time
when player has more
should get amount
when player has less
should zero stack
should desactivate player
should put 2 cards on player's hand
should rank players hand according to table cards
shouldnt call HandEvaluator again if table cards hasnt changed
protected methods
should misc players and table cards
when he folds
should be false
when he checks
should == 10
when he raises
should return a value between min_value and stack
should return a hash
when player hasnt betted yet
should increase the number of contributors
when directed called
should misc too pots
when called via +=
should misc too pots in place
when player hasnt betted
should return ZERO
should be empty when initialized
should be empty when there arent bets
should get an amount from every players bet
Pucker::Game#collect_bets collect bets
# Not yet implemented
# ./spec/pucker/game_spec.rb:19
Finished in 6.45 seconds
63 examples, 0 failures, 1 pending
Coverage report generated for RSpec to
/home/alexandre/Dev/pucker/coverage. 679 / 742 LOC (91.51%) covered.