From Sara F:
here some MG gluino samples*MiniAODv2*%2FMINIAODSIM and here some stops samples*MiniAODv*%2FMINIAODSIM
- Our Pythia samples
For some notes on how to access files like this. You can open them in root:
import ROOT
f = ROOT.TFile.Open("root://")
or you can copy them to whereever you want with:
xrdcp root://\
D4-019163A330F9.root .
I've already downloaded an example file to get you started here /afs/
In order to see the contents of these files in an effective way you need to be in a CMSSW environment. Instructions for setting up CMSSW from Tamas:
cmsrel CMSSW_10_6_30
cd CMSSW_10_6_30/src/
scram b -j
Then you'll be able to run the
example skeleton file from this repo.
The syntax for
looks like this
python inputFiles_load=batch_of_files.list outputFile=dir/name_PYTHIA.root outputFilename=name_PYTHIA isAOD=True targetMass=100
You can instead opt to hand
a single ROOT file by using 'inputFiles' rather than 'inputFiles_load'
isAOD takes a boolean and will change the status between 22 and 23 based on if the samples are AOD or MINIAOD
targetMass takes an int and refers to the mass of an individual particle in an event
Instructions for generating .list files to pass to
Once path to the dataset has been found from DAS, this command will generate the .list with the entries in the appropriate format.
dasgoclient -query="file dataset=<dataset path>" | sed 's%^%root://' > ./input-files/<filename>.list
The .list can then be passed to with the inputFiles_load
command as outlined above.
Helpful tips when running
It may be useful to record the output of while also observing the output in the terminal. Rather than redirecting the output stream with >
, consider using tee
. Example:
python inputFiles_load='./input-files/<input-list>.list' outputFilename='./output-files/<output_filename>.root' targetMass=200 isAOD=False printEvery=10000 2>&1 | tee ./text-logs/<log filename>.txt
Note that this will overwrite the log.txt if run again. This is generally desireable, but you can append to an exisiting file by adding the -a
flag to tee
. 2>&1
Ensures that the error outputstream is passed to tee
so that any error output is recorded in the log.
When passing Madgraph samples to, the target status must be given as a flag. Example:
python inputFiles_load='./input-files/<input-list>.list' outputFilename='./output-files/<output-filename>.root' targetMass=1000 isAOD=False printEvery=1000 targetStatus=62 2>&1 | tee ./text-logs/<log-filename>.txt