This is an interactive web app that displays Pokemon and allows you to like them.
This is the JavaScript Capstone project.
There is only one person working on this project, as the other one was removed by Student Success team.
Student A ( Stephan Annandale ), was resposible for :
- The home page.
- The external API ( PokeAPI ).
- The Involvement API LIKES.
- Testing the item counter
- Styling and dependancies
- JavaScript
- Webpack
- Pokemon API (PokeAPI)
- Involvement API
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
Click here to go to the repo.
Clone the project by opening your terminal and entering "$ git clone" + "The link supplied".
cd into the repo by typing $ cd ./your-path/Pokemon-DIsplay
$ git checkout development
$ npm install
Open the repo in your code editor and launch it by running '$ npm start' !
run $ npm install --save-dev jest
followed by '$ npm run test'
👤 Stephan
Github: @sneeu-leeu
Twitter: @Stephan07484055
Linkedin: Stephan Annandale
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
This project is MIT licensed.