The Etherpad jQuery Plugin easily allows you to embed and access a pad from Etherpad in a web page. The plugin injects the pad contents into a div using iframes. It can also read the contents of a Pad and write it to a div.
Include jQuery.js, include etherpad.js, assign a pad to a div. If you get confused look at the examples in index.html
'host' : '', // the host and port of the Etherpad instance, by default the foundation will host your pads for you 'basePath' : '', // The base path of the Etherpad instance 'padBasePath' : '/p/', // The base path of the pads 'showControls' : false, // If you want to show controls IE bold, italic, etc. 'showChat' : false, // If you want to show the chat button or not 'showLineNumbers' : false, // If you want to show the line numbers or not 'userName' : 'unnamed', // The username you want to pass to the pad 'useMonospaceFont' : false, // Use monospaced fonts 'noColors' : false, // Disable background colors on author text 'userColor' : false, // The background color of this authors text in hex format IE #000 'hideQRCode' : false, // Hide QR code 'alwaysShowChat' : false, // Always show the chat on the UI 'width' : 100, // The width of the embedded IFrame 'height' : 100, // The height of the embedded IFrame 'border' : 0, // The width of the border (make sure to append px to a numerical value) 'borderStyle' : 'solid', // The CSS style of the border [none, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset] 'plugins' : {}, // The options related to the plugins, not to the basic Etherpad configuration 'rtl' : false // Show text from right to left 'sessionSettings' : {} // settings for session management (can contain apiKey, userName, userId, groupId, validUntil, padName) 'body' : undefined // if this option is defined, its value will be set as pad content
jQuery Etherpad plugin written by John McLear (c) Primary Technology 2011
Development funded by the Etherpad Foundation.
Feel free to re-use, distribute, butcher, edit and whatever else you want.
It's under the Apache licence.