Album ripper for various websites. Runs on your computer. Requires Java 1.6
Download v1.x (ripme.jar)
For information about running the .jar
file, see the How To Run wiki
Changelog (ripme.json)
- Quickly downloads all images in an online album (see supported sites below)
- Easily re-rip albums to fetch new content
Supported sites:
- imgur
- tumblr
- flickr
- photobucket
- gonewild
- motherless
- imagefap
- imagearn
- seenive
- vinebox
- 8muses
- deviantart
- xhamster
- (more)
Request more sites by adding a comment to this Github issue or by following the wiki guide How To Create A Ripper for HTML Websites
The project uses Maven. To build the .jar file using Maven, navigate to the root project directory and run:
mvn clean compile assembly:single
This will include all dependencies in the JAR.
- junit-3.8.1
- jsoup-1.7.3
- json-20140107
- apache-commons-configuration-1.7
- log4j-1.2.17
- commons-cli-1.2
- commons-io-1.3.2
- httpcomponents-4.3.3