Written by [email protected] and [email protected] in May 2018
This script was used for analyzing archaeal amoA amplicon sequences generated with the primers pair CamoaA-19F and TamoA-629R-2 and sequenced with Illumina MiSeq with a 2x300 bp configuration. These data were published here:
Henri M.P. Siljanena, Ricardo J.E. Alves, Jussi G. Ronkainen, Richard E. Lamprecht, Hem R. Bhattarai, Alexandre Bagnoud, Maija E. Marushchak, Pertti J. Martikainen, Christa Schleper & Christina Biasi (2019). Archaeal nitrification is a key driver of high nitrous oxide emissions from arctic peatlands. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Volume 137, October 2019.
Here we simply put all fastq files in the same folder, rename them and decompress them.
Here we ran DADA2 according to the official tutorial (which corresponds to version 1.6).
Based on the archaeal amoA phylogeny of Alves et al. (2018), we excluded additional chimeras with a reference-based method and we annotated ASVs.
Here we calculated based on qPCR data the absolute abundances of AOA clades accross the different samples.
We produced bubble plots in R to illustrate the AOA communities structures.
Finally, we performed a NMDS analysis to understand how AOA communities are structured.
- all the plots can be found here
- all the other output files (except the filtered reads, too big) can be found here
- DADA2 v1.6.0 (https://benjjneb.github.io/dada2/index.html)
- QIIME1 v1.9.1 (http://qiime.org/)
- R v.3.4.4 and packages
- USEARCH v.8 (https://www.drive5.com/usearch/)
- Place all the fastq.bz2 files in one folder '0/raw_data'. Used the the reads trimmed from any non-biological sequences.
- Rename them if needed.
- Uncompress bz2 fastq files (on the terminal):
bzip2 -d 0/raw_data*.bz2
This part is was written based on the DADA2 tutorial
- Load DADA2
- Define the path variable for the fastq files
path <- "0-raw_data/"list.files(path)
## [1] "peat02_R1.fastq" "peat02_R2.fastq" "peat05_R1.fastq" "peat05_R2.fastq" "peat08_R1.fastq" "peat08_R2.fastq" "peat17_R1.fastq"
## [8] "peat17_R2.fastq" "peat30_R1.fastq" "peat30_R2.fastq" "peat31_R1.fastq" "peat31_R2.fastq" "peat32_R1.fastq" "peat32_R2.fastq"
## [15] "peat33_R1.fastq" "peat33_R2.fastq" "peat38_R1.fastq" "peat38_R2.fastq" "peat39_R1.fastq" "peat39_R2.fastq" "peat63_R1.fastq"
## [22] "peat63_R2.fastq" "peat64_R1.fastq" "peat64_R2.fastq" "peat65_R1.fastq" "peat65_R2.fastq" "peat66_R1.fastq" "peat66_R2.fastq"
## [29] "peat67_R1.fastq" "peat67_R2.fastq" "peat69_R1.fastq" "peat69_R2.fastq" "peat71_R1.fastq" "peat71_R2.fastq" "peat77_R1.fastq"
## [36] "peat77_R2.fastq"
- Extracting sample names
fnFs <- sort(list.files(path, pattern="_R1.fastq", full.names = TRUE))
sample.names <- sapply(strsplit(basename(fnFs), "_"), `[`, 1)
## [1] "peat02" "peat05" "peat08" "peat17" "peat30" "peat31" "peat32" "peat33" "peat38" "peat39" "peat63" "peat64" "peat65" "peat66" "peat67"
## [16] "peat69" "peat71" "peat77"
- Read quality vizualisation of the R1 samples
- Read filtering and trimming
filt_path <- file.path("1-filtered_reads")
filtFs <- file.path(filt_path, paste0(sample.names, "_F_filt.fastq.gz"))
out <- filterAndTrim(fnFs, filtFs, truncLen=c(200),
maxN=0, maxEE=c(2), truncQ=2, rm.phix=TRUE,
compress=TRUE, multithread=TRUE)
## reads.in reads.out
## peat02_R1.fastq 27545 24097
## peat05_R1.fastq 62157 56235
## peat08_R1.fastq 48088 42919
## peat17_R1.fastq 2009 945
## peat30_R1.fastq 2608 1493
## peat31_R1.fastq 2382 1185
## peat32_R1.fastq 97910 83619
## peat33_R1.fastq 889 220
## peat38_R1.fastq 57572 52295
## peat39_R1.fastq 47724 42763
## peat63_R1.fastq 1020 124
## peat64_R1.fastq 205837 186203
## peat65_R1.fastq 412142 368307
## peat66_R1.fastq 3898 3591
## peat67_R1.fastq 1299 1120
## peat69_R1.fastq 193 164
## peat71_R1.fastq 27046 23293
## peat77_R1.fastq 45 11
errF <- learnErrors(filtFs, multithread=TRUE)
plotErrors(errF, nominalQ=TRUE)
derepFs <- derepFastq(filtFs, verbose=TRUE)
- Name the derep-class objects by the sample names
names(derepFs) <- sample.names
dadaFs <- dada(derepFs, err=errF, multithread=TRUE)
seqtab <- makeSequenceTable(dadaFs, derepFs)
## [1] 18 319
- Inspect distribution of sequence lengths
## 200
## 319
seqtab.nochim <- removeBimeraDenovo(seqtab, method="consensus", multithread=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
## Identified 65 bimeras out of 319 input sequences.
## 18 254
sum(seqtab.nochim)/sum(seqtab) # What is the fraction of reads that were not discarded?
## [1] 0.9871345
getN <- function(x) sum(getUniques(x))
track <- cbind(out, sapply(dadaFs, getN), rowSums(seqtab), rowSums(seqtab.nochim))
colnames(track) <- c("input", "filtered", "denoised", "tabled", "nonchim")
rownames(track) <- sample.names
## input filtered denoised tabled nonchim
## peat02 27545 24097 24077 24077 23428
## peat05 62157 56235 56091 56091 55770
## peat08 48088 42919 42897 42897 42897
## peat17 2009 945 914 914 914
## peat30 2608 1493 1484 1484 1484
## peat31 2382 1185 1165 1165 1165
## peat32 97910 83619 83246 83246 82925
## peat33 889 220 212 212 212
## peat38 57572 52295 52261 52261 52154
## peat39 47724 42763 42717 42717 42251
## peat63 1020 124 111 111 111
## peat64 205837 186203 185917 185917 185168
## peat65 412142 368307 368100 368100 362337
## peat66 3898 3591 3586 3586 3580
## peat67 1299 1120 1106 1106 1106
## peat69 193 164 163 163 163
## peat71 27046 23293 23201 23201 20168
## peat77 45 11 9 9 9
write.table(track, "1-track.txt", quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", col.names = NA)
- fasta of uniques non-chimeric reads
uniquesToFasta(getUniques(seqtab.nochim), "2-uniques_nochim.fasta")
- ASV table
write.table(t(seqtab.nochim), "3-asv_table.txt", sep="\t", row.names=TRUE, col.names=NA, quote=FALSE)
- Set-up path to databases files
usearch8 -usearch_global 2-uniques_nochim.fasta -db $db_seq -id 0.55 -strand plus \
-uc 4a-uclust_report.txt -matched 4b-uniques_nochim_match.fasta -notmatched 4c-uniques_nochim_nomatch.fasta
## 100.0% Searching, 63.4% matched
3.2) UCHIME chimera filtration (using parameters defined by Alves et al., 2018)
For this step, USEARCH v.8 must be used. The latter versions use UCHIME2 instead of UCHIME, for which it is not anymore possible to specifiy -mindiv
and -minh
usearch8 -uchime_ref 4b-uniques_nochim_match.fasta -db $chimera_db \
-nonchimeras 5a-uniques_nochim_match_uchimed.fasta -strand plus -mindiv 1.7 -minh 0.1 -uchimeout 5b-uchime_report.txt
## 100.0% Found 2/161 chimeras (1.2%), 59 not classified (36.6%)
source activate qiime1
assign_taxonomy.py -i 5a-uniques_nochim_match_uchimed.fasta -t $qiime_tax -r $db_seq --similarity 0.8 \
-o 6-uniques_nochim_match_uchimed_uclust_annotation/
source deactivate qiime1
- What is the number of unique annotations?
less 6-uniques_nochim_match_uchimed_uclust_annotation/5a-uniques_nochim_match_uchimed_tax_assignments.txt | cut -f2 | sort -u | wc -l
## 9
- How many unassigned ASVs there is?
grep -c Unassigned 6-uniques_nochim_match_uchimed_uclust_annotation/5a-uniques_nochim_match_uchimed_tax_assignments.txt
## 0
This reference OTU corresponds to the Nitrospheara viennensis, which was used as a positive control for PCRs prior to sequencing. So this OTU is assumed to be a cross contamination.
- List of clean ASVs
grep -v NS-Alpha- \
6-uniques_nochim_match_uchimed_uclust_annotation/5a-uniques_nochim_match_uchimed_tax_assignments.txt |\
cut -f1 > 7a-clean_asv_list.txt
- Make the ASV fasta file flat (to ease the ASV selection in the next step)
scripts/fastaflatter_v14-03.2017.sh 5a-uniques_nochim_match_uchimed.fasta > 5c-uniques_nochim_match_uchimed_flat.fasta
- Subsetting clean ASVs in the fasta file
grep -A1 -f 7a-clean_asv_list.txt 5c-uniques_nochim_match_uchimed_flat.fasta | grep -v "^--" > 7b-clean_asv.fasta
3.4) Subetting the ASV table (in R) (excluding non-amoA sequences and chimeras detected by the reference-based method)
- Importation of the ASV table
asv1 <- read.table("3-asv_table.txt")
asv1$sequence <- rownames(asv1)
rownames(asv1) <- NULL
# How many squences do we have in this ASV table?
## [1] 254
- Importation of the selected sequences as a dataframe
fastaToDf <- function(fastaFile){
dnaSeq <- readBStringSet(fastaFile)
fasta_df <- data.frame(header = names(dnaSeq), sequence = paste(dnaSeq))
fasta <- fastaToDf("7b-clean_asv.fasta")
- Merge both dataframes by
in a new one and save it as a new ASV table
asv2 <- merge(fasta, asv1)
asv3 <- asv2[,c(2:ncol(asv2),1)] # to re-order the dataframe columns
# How many squences do we have in this new ASV table?
## [1] 154
write.table(asv3, "8a-asv_table2_abs.txt", quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
asv_counts <- sum(asv3[,2:(ncol(asv3)-1)])
asv_counts <- colSums(asv3[,2:(ncol(asv3)-1)])
asv3.rel <- asv3
asv3.rel[,2:(ncol(asv3)-1)] <- sweep(asv3[,2:(ncol(asv3)-1)], 2, asv_counts, `/`)
- Check the result (all columns shoud sum to 1)
## peat02 peat05 peat08 peat17 peat30 peat31 peat32 peat33 peat38 peat39 peat63 peat64 peat65 peat66 peat67 peat69 peat71 peat77
## 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- Export the file
write.table(asv3.rel, "8b-asv_table2_rel.txt", quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
- First, we import the annotation table in R
tax <- read.table("6-uniques_nochim_match_uchimed_uclust_annotation/5a-uniques_nochim_match_uchimed_tax_assignments.txt",
header = FALSE, sep = "\t")
tax$V3 <- NULL
tax$V4 <- NULL
- Split the taxonomic annotation for each level
tax <- cbind(tax, str_split_fixed(tax$V2, ";", 11))
tax$V2 <- NULL
- Replace empty cells by
tax2 <- as.data.frame(apply(tax, 2, function(x) gsub("^$|^ $", NA, x)))
- Remove columns containing only
col_to_remove <- c()
for (col in 1:ncol(tax2)) {
x <- sum(is.na(tax2[,col]))/nrow(tax2)
if (x == 1) {
col_to_remove <- c(col_to_remove, col)
if (length(col_to_remove) != 0) {
tax3 <- tax2[,-col_to_remove]
} else {
tax3 <- tax2
- Set the column names
names(tax3)[1] <- "ASV"
names(tax3)[-1] <- paste0("l", 1:(ncol(tax3)-1), "_tax")
- Set taxonomic annotations as character variables
for (col in 2:ncol(tax3)) {
tax3[,col] <- as.character(tax3[,col])
- Fill all NAs (by copying the previous taxonomic annotation of each ASV
for (col in 1:ncol(tax3)) {
for (row in 1:nrow(tax3)) {
if (is.na(tax3[row,col])) {
if (!grepl("OTU", tax3[row,col-1]) & !grepl("unassigned", tax3[row,col-1])) {
tax3[row,col] <- paste0(tax3[row,col-1], "_unassigned")
} else {
tax3[row,col] <- tax3[row,col-1]
- Merge the ASV and the annotations tables
asv.tax <- merge(asv3.rel, tax3, by.x = "header", by.y = "ASV")
- Check the dimension of the merged table
## [1] 154 31
- Export the table
write.table(asv.tax, "8c-asv_table2_rel_tax.txt", quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
- Aggregate by the full AOA annotation
l11.tax <- aggregate(asv.tax[,2:19], by=list(annotation=asv.tax$l11_tax), FUN=sum)
## annotation peat02 peat05 peat08 peat17 peat30 peat31 peat32 peat33 peat38
## 1 NS-Delta-2.1_OTU2 0 0 0.000000e+00 0.02551020 0.00000000 0 0.000000000 0.0000000 0.0000000000
## 2 NS-Gamma- 0 0 0.000000e+00 0.00000000 0.00000000 0 0.003065819 0.0000000 0.0000000000
## 3 NS-Gamma- 0 0 0.000000e+00 0.00000000 0.00000000 0 0.008449106 0.0000000 0.0000000000
## 4 NS-Gamma- 0 0 9.633215e-05 0.03231293 0.01618123 0 0.912829364 0.8795812 0.0003054445
## 5 NS-Gamma-2.3.2_OTU2 0 0 0.000000e+00 0.00000000 0.00000000 0 0.023609217 0.0000000 0.0000000000
write.table(l11.tax, "9a-l11_table_rel.txt", quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
- Aggregate by the AOA clade annotation (level 2)
l2.tax <- aggregate(asv.tax[,2:19], by=list(annotation=asv.tax$l2_tax), FUN=sum)
## annotation peat02 peat05 peat08 peat17 peat30 peat31 peat32 peat33 peat38
## 1 NS-Delta 0 0 0.000000e+00 0.02551020 0.0000000 0 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.0000000000
## 2 NS-Gamma 0 0 9.633215e-05 0.05952381 0.6359223 1 0.96319811 0.95811518 0.0004327131
## 3 NS-Zeta 1 1 9.999037e-01 0.91496599 0.3640777 0 0.03680189 0.04188482 0.9995672869
write.table(l2.tax, "9b-l2_table_rel.txt", quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
- First, define for each replicate which sample it belongs to.
replicates_list <- c("peat02", "peat05", "peat08", "peat17", "peat30",
"peat31", "peat32", "peat33", "peat38", "peat39",
"peat64", "peat65", "peat66", "peat63", "peat67",
"peat69", "peat71", "peat77")
replicates_groups <- c("Kev_BS", "Kev_BS", "Kev_BS", "Kev_VS", "Taz_PP_VS",
"Taz_PP_VS", "Taz_PP_BS", "Taz_PP_BS", "Taz_PB_BS", "Taz_PB_BS",
"Sei_BS", "Sei_BS", "Sei_BS", "Sei_VS", "Tay_BS",
"Tay_BS", "Tay_BS", "Tay_VS")
- Transpose the
n <- l2.tax$annotation
l2.tax.t <- as.data.frame(t(l2.tax[,-1]))
colnames(l2.tax.t) <- n
l2.tax.t$replicate <- rownames(l2.tax.t)
rownames(l2.tax.t) <- NULL
- Add the replicates groups to this dataframe
l2.tax.t$sample <- rep(NA, nrow(l2.tax.t))
for (row in 1:nrow(l2.tax.t)) {
l2.tax.t$sample[row] <- replicates_groups[grep(l2.tax.t$replicate[row], replicates_list)]
- Compute the mean and sd for each sample
l2.tax.t.mean <- aggregate(l2.tax.t[,1:(ncol(l2.tax.t)-2)], by=list(sample=l2.tax.t$sample), FUN=mean)
## sample NS-Delta NS-Gamma NS-Zeta
## 1 Kev_BS 0.0000000 3.211072e-05 0.99996789
## 2 Kev_VS 0.0255102 5.952381e-02 0.91496599
## 3 Sei_BS 0.0000000 2.691368e-01 0.73086316
## 4 Sei_VS 0.0000000 4.285714e-01 0.57142857
## 5 Tay_BS 0.0000000 2.781729e-01 0.72182714
## 6 Tay_VS 0.0000000 0.000000e+00 1.00000000
## 7 Taz_PB_BS 0.0000000 1.372923e-01 0.86270774
## 8 Taz_PP_BS 0.0000000 9.606566e-01 0.03934335
## 9 Taz_PP_VS 0.0000000 8.179612e-01 0.18203883
l2.tax.t.sd <- aggregate(l2.tax.t[,1:(ncol(l2.tax.t)-2)], by=list(sample=l2.tax.t$sample), FUN=sd)
## sample NS-Delta NS-Gamma NS-Zeta
## 1 Kev_BS 0 5.561739e-05 5.561739e-05
## 2 Kev_VS NA NA NA
## 3 Sei_BS 0 3.366899e-01 3.366899e-01
## 4 Sei_VS NA NA NA
## 5 Tay_BS 0 4.816686e-01 4.816686e-01
## 6 Tay_VS NA NA NA
## 7 Taz_PB_BS 0 1.935486e-01 1.935486e-01
## 8 Taz_PP_BS 0 3.594170e-03 3.594170e-03
## 9 Taz_PP_VS 0 2.574418e-01 2.574418e-01
- Save the files
write.table(l2.tax.t.mean, "10a-l2_table_rel_mean.txt", quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
write.table(l2.tax.t.sd, "10b-l2_table_rel_sd.txt", quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
- Import qPCR data
qpcr <- read.table("0-raw_data/qpcr_data.txt", header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
- Calculate the average of qPCR abundances for each sample (from the replicates)
qpcr.agg <- aggregate(qpcr$amoA, by=list(sample=qpcr$sample), FUN=mean)
names(qpcr.agg)[2] <- "amoA"
- Multiply the relative abundance of each AOA clade with the qPCR absolute abundances
qpcr.abs <- merge(l2.tax.t.mean, qpcr.agg)
qpcr.abs$`NS-Delta` <- qpcr.abs$`NS-Delta`*qpcr.abs$amoA
qpcr.abs$`NS-Gamma` <- qpcr.abs$`NS-Gamma`*qpcr.abs$amoA
qpcr.abs$`NS-Zeta` <- qpcr.abs$`NS-Zeta`*qpcr.abs$amoA
# Check that the sum of relative abundance of all AOA clades
# for each sample match its qPCR value
## [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
qpcr.abs$amoA <- NULL
- Melt the dataframe
qpcr.abs.m <- melt(qpcr.abs, id.vars = "sample")
- Compute the barplot
bp <- ggplot(qpcr.abs.m, aes(x=sample, y=log10(value+1), fill=variable)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position="dodge") +
theme_bw() +
coord_flip() +
theme(axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"),
panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_blank()) +
scale_fill_manual(values=c("#999999", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9")) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks=1:10) +
guides(fill=guide_legend(title="AOA clade")) +
ylab("log10(amoA cp-1 g-1 dw)")
svg("plots/aoa_clade_abs_abundnance.svg", width = 5, height = 5)
- Parse the label for the bubble plot
asv_num <- sub(";size=[0-9]*;", "", asv.tax$header)
asv_size <- sub(";", "", sub("sq[0-9]*;", "", asv.tax$header))
asv_tax <- sub("_unassigned", "", asv.tax$l11_tax)
asv.tax$label <- paste0(asv_tax, " ", asv_num, " (", asv_size, ")")
## [1] "NS-Zeta-1.2_OTU7 sq100 (size=36)" "NS-Zeta-1.2_OTU7 sq101 (size=119)" "NS-Zeta-1.2_OTU7 sq104 (size=3396)"
## [4] "NS-Zeta-1.2_OTU7 sq105 (size=2258)" "NS-Zeta-1.2_OTU7 sq113 (size=300)" "NS-Gamma-2.3.2_OTU5 sq115 (size=171)"
## [7] "NS-Gamma-2.3.2_OTU5 sq116 (size=133)" "NS-Zeta-1.2_OTU7 sq117 (size=106)" "NS-Zeta-1.2_OTU7 sq118 (size=42)"
- Keep only the 50-top ASVs
asv.tax$average <- rowMeans(asv.tax[,2:19])
asv.tax.sorted <- asv.tax[order(-asv.tax$average),]
## [1] 0.2592535079 0.2399200648 0.2107767861 0.1023254002 0.0857615133 0.0314381815 0.0104507160 0.0083603020 0.0054725480 0.0045901975
## [11] 0.0045204779 0.0025405832 0.0019078103 0.0018029713 0.0017631422 0.0014172336 0.0013136944 0.0009468290 0.0008750952 0.000691199
# Aggregate the smaller taxonomic bins together
asv.tax.sorted$selection <- rep("discarded", nrow(asv.tax.sorted))
asv.tax.sorted$selection[1:50] <- "retained"
asv.tax.sorted$label[asv.tax.sorted$selection == "discarded"] <- "Other"
asv.tax.sorted$average <- NULL
asv.tax.sorted$selection <- NULL
asv.tax.sorted.top50 <- aggregate(asv.tax.sorted[,2:19], by=list(label=asv.tax.sorted$label), FUN=sum)
# Which fraction of the relative abundance won't be displayed in the buble plot?
## [1] 0.01192122
- Transpose the
n <- asv.tax.sorted.top50$label
asv.tax.sorted.top50.t <- as.data.frame(t(asv.tax.sorted.top50[,-1]))
colnames(asv.tax.sorted.top50.t) <- n
asv.tax.sorted.top50.t$replicate <- rownames(asv.tax.sorted.top50.t)
rownames(asv.tax.sorted.top50.t) <- NULL
- Add the replicates groups to this dataframe
asv.tax.sorted.top50.t$sample <- rep(NA, nrow(asv.tax.sorted.top50.t))
for (row in 1:nrow(asv.tax.sorted.top50.t)) {
asv.tax.sorted.top50.t$sample[row] <- replicates_groups[grep(asv.tax.sorted.top50.t$replicate[row], replicates_list)]
- Compute the mean and for each sample
asv.tax.sorted.top50.t.mean <- aggregate(asv.tax.sorted.top50.t[,1:(ncol(asv.tax.sorted.top50.t)-2)],
- Melt the dataframe and parse it
# Melt the dataframe
molten <- melt(asv.tax.sorted.top50.t.mean, id.vars = "sample")
# Remove null values
molten2 <- molten[molten$value > 0,]
# Create a categorical variable to colour the bubbles
molten2$category <- sub(" .+", "", molten2$variable)
# Re-order the factor variables of the ASV labels
molten2$variable <- factor(molten2$variable, levels = rev(levels(molten2$variable)))
- Compute the bubble_plot
bubble_plot <- ggplot(molten2,aes(sample,variable)) +
geom_point(aes(size=value, fill=molten2$category),shape=21,color="black") +
panel.background = element_blank()) +
ylab("AOA ASVs") +
xlab("Samples") +
scale_fill_brewer(palette="Paired", name="AOA Taxonomic\nclade") +
#scale_fill_discrete(name="Taxonomic\nclade") +
#scale_fill_manual(values= c("maroon2", "pink", "#000000"), name="Taxonomic\nclade") +
scale_size(name = "Relative\nabundance")
svg("plots/asv_bubble_plot.svg", width = 7, height = 8)
- For this plot we will aggregate level-5 taxonomic annotation. We will end up with 3 categories only
l5.tax <- aggregate(asv.tax[,2:19], by=list(annotation=asv.tax$l5_tax), FUN=sum)
- Transpose the dataframe
n <- l5.tax$annotation
l5.tax.t <- as.data.frame(t(l5.tax[,-1]))
colnames(l5.tax.t) <- n
l5.tax.t$replicate <- rownames(l5.tax.t)
rownames(l5.tax.t) <- NULL
- Add the replicates groups to this dataframe
l5.tax.t$sample <- rep(NA, nrow(l5.tax.t))
for (row in 1:nrow(l5.tax.t)) {
l5.tax.t$sample[row] <- replicates_groups[grep(l11.tax.t$replicate[row], replicates_list)]
- Compute the mean and for each sample
l5.tax.t.mean <- aggregate(l5.tax.t[,1:(ncol(l5.tax.t)-2)],
- Melt the dataframe and parse it
# Melt the dataframe
molten3 <- melt(l5.tax.t.mean, id.vars = "sample")
# Remove null values
molten4 <- molten3[molten3$value > 0,]
# Create a categorical variable to colour the bubble
# Re-order the factor variables of the ASV labels
molten4$variable <- factor(molten4$variable, levels = rev(levels(molten4$variable)))
- Compute the bubble_plot
bubble_plot2 <- ggplot(molten4,aes(sample,variable)) +
geom_point(aes(size=value, fill=variable),shape=21,color="black") +
panel.background = element_blank()) +
ylab("AOA ASVs") +
xlab("Samples") +
scale_fill_brewer(palette="Paired", name="AOA Taxonomic\nclade") +
#scale_fill_discrete(name="Taxonomic\nclade") +
#scale_fill_manual(values= c("maroon2", "pink", "#000000"), name="Taxonomic\nclade") +
scale_size(name = "Relative\nabundance")
svg("plots/l5_bubble_plot.svg", width = 7, height = 3)
- Transpose the ASV tax table
n <- asv.tax$header
asv.tax.t <- as.data.frame(t(asv.tax[,2:19]))
colnames(asv.tax.t) <- n
asv.tax.t$replicate <- rownames(asv.tax.t)
rownames(asv.tax.t) <- NULL
- Add the replicates groups to this dataframe
asv.tax.t$sample <- rep(NA, nrow(asv.tax.t))
for (row in 1:nrow(asv.tax.t)) {
asv.tax.t$sample[row] <- replicates_groups[grep(asv.tax.t$replicate[row], replicates_list)]
- Extract categorial variables from samples names (i.e. the site and the type of vegetation)
asv.tax.t$site <- sub("_[A-Z][A-Z]$", "", asv.tax.t$sample)
asv.tax.t$vegetation <- sub(".*_", "", asv.tax.t$sample)
# Define a color for each ecosystem and horizon
asv.tax.t$site_col <- rep(NA, nrow(asv.tax.t))
asv.tax.t$site_col[asv.tax.t$site == "Kev"] <- "#e41a1c"
asv.tax.t$site_col[asv.tax.t$site == "Taz_PP"] <- "#377eb8"
asv.tax.t$site_col[asv.tax.t$site == "Taz_PB"] <- "#4daf4a"
asv.tax.t$site_col[asv.tax.t$site == "Sei"] <- "#984ea3"
asv.tax.t$site_col[asv.tax.t$site == "Tay"] <- "#ff7f00"
# Define shape for each horizon
asv.tax.t$veg_shp <- rep(NA, nrow(asv.tax.t))
asv.tax.t$veg_shp[asv.tax.t$vegetation == "BS"] <- 1
asv.tax.t$veg_shp[asv.tax.t$vegetation == "VS"] <- 2
- Permanova test: are samples significantly different from each other when grouped by site or by vegetation ?
asv.bray <- as.data.frame(as.matrix(vegdist(asv.tax.t[,1:(ncol(asv.tax.t)-6)], diag = TRUE, upper = TRUE)))
adonis(asv.bray ~ asv.tax.t$site, asv.bray, permutations = 3000) # p = 0.01466 *
adonis(asv.bray ~ asv.tax.t$vegetation, asv.bray, permutations = 3000) # p = 0.5938
adonis(asv.bray ~ asv.tax.t$vegetation, asv.bray, permutations = 3000, strata = asv.tax.t$site) # p = 0.4858
- Run the NMDS
asv.nmds <- metaMDS(asv.tax.t[,1:(ncol(asv.tax.t)-6)], k=2)
## Call:
## metaMDS(comm = asv.tax.t[, 1:(ncol(asv.tax.t) - 6)], k = 2)
## global Multidimensional Scaling using monoMDS
## Data: asv.tax.t[, 1:(ncol(asv.tax.t) - 6)]
## Distance: bray
## Dimensions: 2
## Stress: 0.1257
## Stress type 1, weak ties
## Two convergent solutions found after 20 tries
## Scaling: centring, PC rotation, halfchange scaling
## Species: expanded scores based on 'asv.tax.t[, 1:(ncol(asv.tax.t) - 6)]'
- Stress plot
svg("plots/asv_nmds_stressplot.svg", width = 4, height = 4)
- Plot the NMDS
svg("plots/asv_nmds.svg", width = 5, height = 5)
points(asv.nmds, display = 'sites', col = asv.tax.t$site_col, pch = asv.tax.t$veg_shp, cex = 1.5, lwd = 2)
groupz <- unique(asv.tax.t$site)
colz <- unique(asv.tax.t$site_col)
for(i in seq(groupz)) {
ordiellipse(asv.nmds, asv.tax.t$site, kind="se", conf=0.95, label=F, font=1, cex=0.5, col=colz[i], show.groups=groupz[i])
legend('topright',title = "Ecosystem:", col=colz, legend=unique(asv.tax.t$site), pch = 16, cex = 0.7, box.col = "white", title.adj = FALSE)
legend('topleft', title = "Vegetation:", legend=unique(asv.tax.t$vegetation), pch = sort(unique(asv.tax.t$veg_shp)), cex = 0.7, box.col = "white", , title.adj = FALSE)
title("ASV NMDS")