You've volunteered to help train pokemon at a Pokemon Daycare! You will be able to:
- Choose a Pokemon from the daycare roster
- Teach it a new move
- Ask it to forget a move
- Replace an existing move in its movepool
Ruby, ActiveRecord, Rake, TTYPrompt, Colorize
- CRUD functionality
- Easy to navigate menus so that you can easily switch between Pokemon or keep bonding with the same one.
- ASCII art, animations, music and general cuteness :)
- Download zip and
into the project. bundle install
all gems and dependenciesrake db:migrate
rake db:seed
ruby bin/run.rb
to run the file- Happy training!
- Colorize - to add color to the CLI
- TTYPrompt - CLI prompts
- Ascii Art Converter - converts images to Ascii Art
- Pokemon Ascii Version - used fanfare sound effects
- Text to Ascii Art - used for Logo