My Medical Guide is an ASP NET MVC 5 Application and it is system on which on one hand hospitals can register and use the features of the system to evidence medical history of the patiens, and on the other hand, patiens can have full access of their medical history and can be able to search for doctors of different hospitals, make patient requests, make appointments, discover new things and discuss with doctors and other people.
Can review hospitals and the departments that the hospitals have and can register to have full access on the system
##Authorized Users Can view all the doctors in particular department of hospitals and can make requests to the doctor for being part of the patients list on the system for the doctor they choose. Can see and download all documents that are attached from their doctors.
##Admin Can register nwe hospitals to the system and can manage informations about the hospitals. Can create Doctors account for hospital doctors to have access to their panels.
##Doctors Can review all their patients and attach documents for them and can accept requests from patients and review all their
- Microsoft SQL Server
- AutoFac - Dependency injector for .NET
- Automapper - A convention-based object-object mapper
- Materialize
- jQuery
- Sweet Alert
- Kendo UI