You will need lerna to be installed globally in your local environment
npm install -g lerna
Alternativley you can just run without installing it but you have to prefix ALWAYS with npx
your commands:
npx lerna bootstrap
Installing all dependecies in all the modules including symlinkend local modules: Read Lerna bootsrap
lerna bootstrap
Remove the node_modules directory from all projects: Read Lerna clean
lerna clean
Run an npm script in each package that contains that script Read Lerna run
lerna run <script> -- [..args]
i.e :> lerna run test
Monorepo Manager
Add/Update dependencies to some or all projects
Lerna hoist package to root level so it can be installed once and shared across multiple project.
We might found sometimes issues with certain packages.
To solve the above add uinder ROOT package.json "nohoist" section i.e. "nohoist": ["**/rxjs"]
Pre commit hooks with Husky
Pre commit Code formatting and linting with lint-staged
- tslint
- Prettier