This is a modified version of shinai-fi repository (check out the original forked repo).
Difference from master repo :
Improved Dockerfile (size and code)
WPA2-CCMP caption with an easy password
WEP caption
Open a terminal in your docker host and type :
modprobe mac80211_hwsim radios=4
This will allow you to simulate WiFi traffic without a network card
It is preferable if you run it on Ubuntu and Debian distribution because, as stated in the original repo : "If you're running docker-ce on macOS or Windows, the fake docker host doesn't have kernel support for wifi, rather run your docker host in a VM. If you do want to make your docker-ce work with a custom kernel, check this article."
There is a Docker file in the main folder, build it with :
docker build -t wifi_hacking_docker .
This will create a Docker image named "wifi_hacking_dock". You can choose the name you prefer. The dockerfile will be configured with the WPA2-CCMP caption. If you want to test your skills also with an old WEP access point, modify the dockerfile and replace the line
RUN cp shinai-fi/caps/wpa-induction.cap /opt/sensepost/capture/sensepost.cap
RUN cp shinai-fi/caps/wep-induction.cap /opt/sensepost/capture/sensepost.cap
Run the Docker container :
docker run -it --privileged --network host wifi_hacking_docker:latest
Alternatively, pull it from Dockerhub
docker pull ale753/wpa2_hacking_docker
docker pull ale753/wep_hacking_docker
If you pulled it from DockerHub, change "wifi_hacking_docker" in "ale753/wpa2_hacking_docker" or "ale753/wep_hacking_docker"
Once the container is up and running, launch :
airmon-ng start wlan1
airodump-ng wlan1mon -w capture.cap
You can also set up an hostapd AP and see a client connect. The password for the WPA2 .cap is "Induction"
With these tools you can also make active attacks on custom Access Points you can configure. Let's check out how this can be done.
In this repo you will find a folder "hostapd-docker". It contains a full configurable Access Point that will run on a docker container and will work in combination with mac80211_hwsim (check
cd shinai-fi/hostapd-docker
./docker_ap start wlan0
This will setup an AP (WPA TKIP) on wlan0 and you can clearly see it if you run airodump on wlan1.
You can easly connect to this AP with another network card (for example wlan2)
nmcli d wifi connect DockerAP password dockerap123 iface wlan2
An example of what you can do, send a fake deauth attack to the station that is connected through wlan2. Remember to check out the channel of the access point and to run wlan1mon with the option --channel selecting the correct channel.
airodump-ng wlan1mon --channel 1
aireplay-ng --deauth 0 -c 02:00:00:00:02:00 -a 02:00:00:00:00:00 wlan1mon
Where 02:00:00:00:00:00 is the bssid of the DockerAP and 02:00:00:00:02:00 is the bssid of your station. You are now disconnected from the AP.
Shinai-fi repository uses also tcpreplay to emulate the traffic, using real data packets contained in the wpa-supplicant.cap file (you can find it in the folder caps in this repository). If you want to customize your lab and make your own .cap file, you will need to setup a real AP and capture packets from your devices connected to it. So you will need a functioning network card to capture data packets of a real network environment.
Install tcpdump
apt-get install tcpdump
Then start your network card
airmon-ng check kill
ifconfig wlan0 down
iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor
ifconfig wlan0 up
Launch this command to capture the traffic and save it in example.cap
sudo tcpdump -i wlan0 -w example.cap ether host "YOUR BSSID"
It is really important that you capture the packets with tcp-dump, otherwise you could have compatibility problems due to DTL type and tcpreplay will not be able to send the packets due to incorrect arguments.
Note that to filter the traffic only on your wifi and devices connected, you will need the bssid. You can easly find it through
airmon-ng start wlan0
and check the bssid number correspondent to the name of your Access Point.
Collect a decent amount of packets (if you are collecting wep traffic) or capure an handshake by connecting your device to the Access point (in case of WPA2-CCMP traffic)
tcpreplay -i wlan1 example.cap
This will replicate the network traffic you captured on the wlan1 card (simulation). Use airmon-ng to make sure it works well.
Shinai-fi simulates clients and ap with the packets in the .cap file , so rename your example.cap file in wpa-supplicant.cap and copy it in the folder /caps of your cloned repo (or also directly in your docker container is fine by using the command docker cp)
If you are collecting WEP traffic and you have problems with tcp-replay, the cause could be the size of the MTU. Change this with :
ifconfig wlan1 mtu 1600
If you put 1600 and still can't see the packets, try different sizes.
Since WEP is deprecated, your home modem could not support it anymore. For this reason, I suggest you to setup a Wifi Hotspot in Ubuntu 14.4 (an old version of Ubuntu that supports WEP encryption) with WEP 40bit/128bit as Security parameter. Of course you don't need to install Ubuntu 14.4 on your machine, just install it on a USB pendrive (4GB is fine) and boot it with "try ubuntu without installing".