Frontend for alchemist
Original frontend design: bakarapara
- Withdraw <> Transfer unlocked LP tokens from Crucible to msg.sender ** Max amount = crucible balance - locked balance
- Increase stake <> Deposit more LP tokens to crucible lock ** Max = undelegated LP token balance
- Unstake and claim <> Claim/transfer existing rewards (proportional to LP token amount) from Aludel to recipient and unlock LP tokens from crucible ** Max = locked LP balance
- Mint and Stake <> Mint Crucible, Lock LP tokens, and Stake
- Lock <> Take unlocked LP tokens already on the crucible and lock them
- You can run the project locally on Rinkeby with
npm run start:rinkeby
- To get MIST and LP token, go to, switch to Rinkeby Network, and add token 0xF6c1210Aca158bBD453A12604A03AeD2659ac0ef. Then add liquidity