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Image Augmentation Library Benchmarks

A comprehensive benchmarking suite for comparing the performance of popular image augmentation libraries including Albumentations, imgaug, torchvision, Kornia, and Augly.

Table of Contents


This benchmark suite measures the throughput and performance characteristics of common image augmentation operations across different libraries. It features:

  • Adaptive warmup to ensure stable measurements
  • Multiple runs for statistical significance
  • Detailed performance metrics and system information
  • Thread control settings for consistent single-threaded performance
  • Support for multiple image formats and loading methods

Albumentations vs TorchVision vs Kornia

Benchmark Results

System Information

  • Platform: macOS-15.1-arm64-arm-64bit
  • Processor: arm
  • CPU Count: 16
  • Python Version: 3.12.8

Benchmark Parameters

  • Number of images: 2000
  • Runs per transform: 5
  • Max warmup iterations: 1000

Library Versions

  • albumentations: 2.0.2
  • augly: 1.0.0
  • imgaug: 0.4.0
  • kornia: 0.8.0
  • torchvision: 0.20.1

Performance Comparison

Number shows how many uint8 images per second can be processed on one CPU thread. Larger is better.

Transform albumentations
Resize 3662 ± 54 1083 ± 21 2995 ± 70 645 ± 13 260 ± 9
RandomCrop128 116784 ± 2222 45395 ± 934 21408 ± 622 2946 ± 42 31450 ± 249
HorizontalFlip 12649 ± 238 8808 ± 1012 9599 ± 495 1297 ± 13 2486 ± 107
VerticalFlip 24989 ± 904 16830 ± 1653 19935 ± 1708 2872 ± 37 4696 ± 161
Rotate 3066 ± 83 1739 ± 105 2574 ± 10 256 ± 2 258 ± 4
Affine 1503 ± 29 - 1328 ± 16 248 ± 6 188 ± 2
Perspective 1222 ± 16 - 908 ± 8 154 ± 3 147 ± 5
Elastic 359 ± 7 - 395 ± 14 1 ± 0 3 ± 0
ChannelShuffle 8162 ± 180 - 1252 ± 26 1328 ± 44 4417 ± 234
Grayscale 37212 ± 1856 6088 ± 107 3100 ± 24 1201 ± 52 2600 ± 23
GaussianBlur 943 ± 11 387 ± 4 1460 ± 23 254 ± 5 127 ± 4
GaussianNoise 234 ± 7 - 263 ± 9 125 ± 1 -
Invert 35494 ± 17186 - 3682 ± 79 2881 ± 43 4244 ± 30
Posterize 14146 ± 1381 - 3111 ± 95 836 ± 30 4247 ± 26
Solarize 12920 ± 1097 - 3843 ± 80 263 ± 6 1032 ± 14
Sharpen 2375 ± 38 - 1101 ± 30 201 ± 2 220 ± 3
Equalize 1303 ± 64 - 814 ± 11 306 ± 1 795 ± 3
JpegCompression 1354 ± 23 1202 ± 19 687 ± 26 120 ± 1 889 ± 7
RandomGamma 12631 ± 1159 - 3504 ± 72 230 ± 3 -
MedianBlur 1259 ± 8 - 1152 ± 14 6 ± 0 -
MotionBlur 3608 ± 18 - 928 ± 37 159 ± 1 -
CLAHE 649 ± 13 - 555 ± 14 165 ± 3 -
Brightness 11254 ± 418 2108 ± 32 1076 ± 32 1127 ± 27 854 ± 13
Contrast 11255 ± 242 1379 ± 25 717 ± 5 1109 ± 41 602 ± 13
CoarseDropout 15760 ± 594 - 1190 ± 22 - -
Blur 7403 ± 114 386 ± 4 5381 ± 125 265 ± 11 -
Saturation 1581 ± 127 - 495 ± 3 155 ± 2 -
Shear 1336 ± 18 - 1244 ± 14 261 ± 1 -
ColorJitter 968 ± 52 418 ± 5 - 104 ± 4 87 ± 1
RandomResizedCrop 4521 ± 17 - - 661 ± 16 837 ± 37
Pad 31866 ± 530 - - - 4889 ± 183
AutoContrast 1534 ± 115 - - 541 ± 8 344 ± 1
Normalize 1797 ± 190 - - 1251 ± 14 1018 ± 7
Erasing 25411 ± 5727 - - 1210 ± 27 3577 ± 49
CenterCrop128 119630 ± 3484 - - - -
RGBShift 3526 ± 128 - - 896 ± 9 -
PlankianJitter 3351 ± 42 - - 2150 ± 52 -
HSV 1277 ± 91 - - - -
ChannelDropout 10988 ± 243 - - 2283 ± 24 -
LinearIllumination 462 ± 52 - - 708 ± 6 -
CornerIllumination 464 ± 45 - - 452 ± 3 -
GaussianIllumination 670 ± 91 - - 436 ± 13 -
Hue 1846 ± 193 - - 150 ± 1 -
PlasmaBrightness 163 ± 1 - - 85 ± 1 -
PlasmaContrast 138 ± 4 - - 84 ± 0 -
PlasmaShadow 190 ± 3 - - 216 ± 5 -
Rain 2121 ± 64 - - 1493 ± 9 -
SaltAndPepper 2233 ± 35 - - 480 ± 12 -
Snow 588 ± 32 - - 143 ± 1 -
OpticalDistortion 687 ± 38 - - 174 ± 0 -
ThinPlateSpline 75 ± 5 - - 58 ± 0 -

The benchmark automatically creates isolated virtual environments for each library and installs the necessary dependencies. Base requirements:

  • Python 3.10+
  • uv (for fast package installation)
  • Disk space for virtual environments
  • Image dataset in a supported format (JPEG, PNG)

Supported Libraries

Each library's specific dependencies are managed through separate requirements files in the requirements/ directory.


  • The benchmark prioritizes consistent measurement over raw speed by enforcing single-threaded execution
  • Early stopping mechanisms prevent excessive time spent on slow transforms
  • Variance stability checks ensure meaningful measurements
  • System information and thread settings are captured to aid in reproducibility


Getting Started

For testing and comparison purposes, you can use the ImageNet validation set:

tar -xf ILSVRC2012_img_val.tar -C /path/to/your/target/directory

Using Your Own Images

While the ImageNet validation set provides a standardized benchmark, we strongly recommend running the benchmarks on your own dataset that matches your use case:

  • Use images that are representative of your actual workload
  • Consider image sizes and formats you typically work with
  • Include edge cases specific to your application

This will give you more relevant performance metrics for your specific use case, as:

  • Different image sizes can significantly impact performance
  • Some transforms may perform differently on different types of images
  • Your specific image characteristics might favor certain libraries over others


Benchmark Process

  1. Image Loading: Images are loaded using library-specific loaders to ensure optimal format compatibility:

    • OpenCV (BGR → RGB) for Albumentations and imgaug
    • torchvision for PyTorch-based operations
    • PIL for augly
    • Normalized tensors for Kornia
  2. Warmup Phase:

    • Performs adaptive warmup until performance variance stabilizes
    • Uses configurable parameters for stability detection
    • Implements early stopping for slow transforms
    • Maximum time limits prevent hanging on problematic transforms
  3. Measurement Phase:

    • Multiple runs of each transform
    • Measures throughput (images/second)
    • Calculates statistical metrics (median, standard deviation)
  4. Environment Control:

    • Forces single-threaded execution across libraries
    • Captures detailed system information and library versions
    • Monitors thread settings for various numerical libraries

Running Benchmarks

Single Library

To benchmark a single library:

./benchmark/ -l albumentations -d /path/to/images -o /path/to/output

Command Line Arguments

[--max-warmup MAX_WARMUP] [--warmup-window WINDOW]
[--warmup-threshold THRESHOLD] [--min-warmup-windows MIN_WINDOWS]
Required arguments:
-l LIBRARY Library to benchmark (albumentations, imgaug, torchvision, kornia, augly)
-d DATA_DIR Directory containing images
-o OUTPUT_DIR Directory for output files
Optional arguments:
-n NUM_IMAGES Number of images to process (default: 1000)
-r NUM_RUNS Number of benchmark runs (default: 5)
--max-warmup Maximum warmup iterations (default: 5000)
--warmup-window Window size for variance check (default: 5)
--warmup-threshold Variance stability threshold (default: 0.05)
--min-warmup-windows Minimum windows to check (default: 3)

All Libraries

To run benchmarks for all supported libraries and generate a comparison:

./ -d /path/to/images -o /path/to/output

All Libraries Options

[--max-warmup MAX_WARMUP] [--warmup-window WINDOW]
[--warmup-threshold THRESHOLD] [--min-warmup-windows MIN_WINDOWS]
Required arguments:
-d DATA_DIR Directory containing images
-o OUTPUT_DIR Directory for output files
Optional arguments:
-n NUM_IMAGES Number of images to process (default: 2000)
-r NUM_RUNS Number of benchmark runs (default: 5)
--max-warmup Maximum warmup iterations (default: 1000)
--warmup-window Window size for variance check (default: 5)
--warmup-threshold Variance stability threshold (default: 0.05)
--min-warmup-windows Minimum windows to check (default: 3)

The script will:

  1. Run benchmarks for each library (albumentations, imgaug, torchvision, kornia, augly)
  2. Save individual results as JSON files in the output directory
  3. Generate a comparison CSV file combining results from all libraries

Output Structure

├── albumentations_results.json
├── imgaug_results.json
├── torchvision_results.json
├── kornia_results.json
└── augly_results.json

When running all benchmarks, the output directory will contain:

Output Format

The benchmark produces a JSON file containing:

    "metadata": {
        "system_info": {
            "python_version": "...",
            "platform": "...",
            "processor": "...",
            "cpu_count": "...",
            "timestamp": "..."
        "library_versions": {...},
        "thread_settings": {...},
        "benchmark_params": {...}
    "results": {
        "transform_name": {
            "supported": true,
            "warmup_iterations": 100,
            "throughputs": [...],
            "median_throughput": 123.45,
            "std_throughput": 1.23,
            "times": [...],
            "mean_time": 0.123,
            "std_time": 0.001,
            "variance_stable": true,
            "early_stopped": false,
            "early_stop_reason": null
        // ... results for other transforms


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