Obtains, parses and statistically analyzes the recently dumped and available set of emails from Presidential Candidate, Hillary Clinton's email servers (made available on WikiLeaks) - all in a REST-ful JSON API server!
This software currently relies on PHP 7.0.8 with the following default extensions: [bcmath, bz2, calendar, cli, ctype, dom, fileinfo, filter, ipc, json, mbregex, mbstring, mhash, pcntl, pcre, pdo, phar, posix, readline, sockets, tokenizer, xml, curl, zip, openssl, opcache]
You can easily setup your own local development environment using PHPBrew along with VirtPHP. PHPBrew allows you to easily manage and install multiple versions of PHP as well as PECL packages (basically, a version manager), whereas VirtPHP, just like Python's VirtualEnv, allows you to localize those PECL package and PHP installations to some local installation folder.
- Simply follow the installation instructions for PHPBrew and VirtPHP
- Install PHP 7.0.8 with PHPBrew and hop to that version -
phpbrew install 7.0.8 && phpbrew use 7.0.8
- Localize this environment with VirtPHP -
virtphp create <whateverEnvironmentName> --install-path=<virtualPhpLocation>
- Hop into that localized PHP interpreter -
source <virtualPhpLocation>/<whateverEnvironmentName>/bin/activate
Now, any PECL package and PHP extension installations are localized to this environment!
When you want to deactivate this local environment, simply run deactivate
. Notice that even if you switch back to the system version of PHP globally (with PHPBrew), when you re-activate your local environment, your version of PHP stays the same - localized PHP environment to the rescue!
A containerized version of the required PHP environment is provided to get you even more quickly up to speed. Simply run docker-compose build
and docker-compose up
while currently in the directory where this repository is and watch the magic go! Make sure to have Docker and Docker-Compose installed!