Connect with other riders!
- Material-UI
- express
- passport
- cookieParser
- express-session
- mongoDB
- mongoose
- morgan
- ReactJS
- ReactRouter
- sendgrid
Must use ReactJS in some way (even if minimal, but ideally an interactive app)
Must use a Node and Express Web Server
Must be backed by a MySQL or MongoDB Database with a Sequelize or Mongoose ORM
Must have both GET and POST routes for retrieving and adding new data
Must be deployed using Heroku (with Data)
Must utilize at least two libraries, packages, or technologies that we haven’t discussed
Must allow for or involve the authentication of users in some way
Must have a polished frontend / UI
Must have folder structure that meets MVC Paradigm
Must meet good quality coding standards (indentation, scoping, naming)
- Alan Tran - alanttran
- Fabio Aiello - heloflier
- Jayalaxmi Arasalike - JayaArasalike
- Waqas Alsubayee - Waqas84
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
- UCSD Extension Full Stack Developer Program