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wildfires requires Python >= 3.7.

It needs to be installed from source (note the use of SSH instead of HTTPS), either using:

pip install git+ssh://[email protected]/akuhnregnier/wildfires.git@master#egg=wildfires

or after cloning (forking) for development purposes:

git clone [email protected]:akuhnregnier/wildfires.git
pip install -e "wildfires"

Required packages are not installed using those commands, because the requirements.yml environment file was designed to facilitate package installation using conda (see here or here).

JupyterLab ipywidgets:

conda install ipywidgets
jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension
jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager


The instructions below assume that you are using Linux and managing Python using pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv.

All essential configuration steps detailed in the section Prerequisites are automatically carried out by dev/ To view options for this initial setup, run

dev/ --help

Installing JupyterLab extensions



Installing Dependencies

This information is mainly for reference and additional documentation of dev/, or if individual parts (like using pytest) should be carried out independently.

Installing Into an Existing Environment

Installing all packages and configuring all tools:

dev/ existing

Installing Into a New Environment

By default, the new environment will be called 'wildfires'. Installation will fail if an environment with this name is already present, unless the --force flag is supplied, as shown below:

dev/ new --force

Internally dev/ new uses conda env create with support for the --name and --force options.

Creating a new Conda Environment Manually

Creating a new environment called 'wildfires':

conda env create --file requirements.yaml --name wildfires

Overwriting an existing environment called 'wildfires':

conda env create --file requirements.yaml --name wildfires --force

Using a New Environment

Making a new environment the local default environment for the repository using pyenv (assuming --name wildfires was used):

pyenv activate wildfires
pyenv local $PYENV_VERSION

Hooks and Tests

To set up pre-commit hooks, run

pre-commit install

This needs to be done every time the repository is cloned (as is done by dev/!

Manual pre-commit Testing

pre-commit run --verbose --all-files


Run pytest in the root directory of the repository, so that all tests will be discovered. If DeprecationWarning warnings are desired, run pytest -Wd instead.

Note that pytest is also run as part of the pre-commit hooks set up by pre-commit.