Youfy is a simple Python project that will gather your YouTube playlist content and in a dummy way will try to convert it to Spotify playlist. This script is based on youtube-dl and Spotipy. Big thanks to Michał for his contribution!
- Spotify account and API credentials
- Prepare Python Virtual Environment
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.cfg
- Fulfil all config data that is stored in one YAML file called
Necessary, default config values:
scope: playlist-modify-public
trace: False
Values to be fulfilled:
- Spotify user nameclient_id
- Private client ID obtained from Spotify APIclient_secret
- Private client secret numberredirect_uri
- Your configured redirect URI (e.g.http://localhost/
- An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code (e.g.PL
- Future Spotify playlist nameplaylist_description
- Future Spotify playlist descriptionyoutube_playlist_id
- YouTube playlist ID
- Run Youfy main script
Be aware of notice below:
User authentication requires interaction with your
web browser. Once you enter your credentials and
give authorization, you will be redirected to
a url. Paste that url you were directed to to
complete the authorization.
This project is no longer maintained.