Hacktoberfest 2018 - Participants
Register: https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com/
Bonus: Microsoft is also participating in Hacktoberfest this year. Follow the instructions here to get a separate exclusive t-shirt from them.
- Up For Grabs - List of projects which have curated tasks specifically for new contributors.
- issuehub.io - Contribute to Open Source. Search issue labels to find the right project for you!
- First Timers Only - Friendly Open Source projects should reserve specific issues for newbies.
- Your First PR - Start contributing to Open Source with great starter issues on GitHub and elsewhere.
- Awesome First PR Opportunities - A list of awesome beginners-friendly projects.
- Codetriange - Help out your favorite open source projects and become a better developer while doing it.
- Pull Request Roulette - Pull requests (or PRs) submitted for review.
Feel free to add more!
Name | GitHub Handle | Organisation | Stats |
Abhijeet Singh | cseas | Sir MVIT | Link |
Nasir Basha K | nasirbashak | Sir MVIT | Link |
Nikhil Joshi | diehard-coder | Sir MVIT | Link |
Aditya Raman | ramanaditya | Sir MVIT | Link |
Syed Sharjil Ahmed | syedsharjil | Sir MVIT | Link |
Aswin Gopinathan | infiniteoverflow | Sir MVIT | Link |
Aishwarya Varma | AishwaryaVarma | Sir MVIT | Link |
Akhil Ramachandran | akhil2109 | Sir MVIT | Link |
Sravan Paritala | sravanbrahma | IBM | [Link] (https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com/stats/sravanbrahma) |
Add your information above using appropriate syntax.