This project set up a Raspberry Pi in kiosk mode using an Ansible Playbook
Clone the project
cd raspberry-kiosk
# On Windows, switch to the project folder from "Windows Sub System For Linux" (Ubunutu)
# cd /mnt/c/.../.../raspberry-kiosk
python3 -m venv venv && . venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Update the inventory.ini or modify one of the sample files
Add the server(s) to the [pi_kiosk] section
host_name sets the host name
host_type tells if the target device runs Raspberry Pi OS desktop or lite -
Select any of the three setup options
Static page
Assign a URL to the kiosk_url variable, in the [pi_kiosk:vars] section, when you want to launch the URL in the browser
See sample file: inventory.ini[pi_kiosk:vars] kiosk_url= ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3
Auto-reload page
Assign a URL to the kiosk_iframe_url variable, in the [pi_kiosk:vars] section, when you want to launch the URL in an iframe (refreshed by javascript every hour)
See sample file: inventory-iframe.ini[pi_kiosk:vars] kiosk_iframe_url= ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3
Script based reload of page
Set the file name 'show-id.html' to the kiosk_url parameter in the [pi_kiosk:vars] section, when you want to show the device id on the screen after installation. The device id is used to differentiate the content per player when using a backend service like With a backend service you can group devices and then let a script check for what URL to show for each device.
The cron_check_minute sets the interval for the reload-script to be called and the page to be refreshed.
The lookup_server is the URL to the backend server to get the URL.
The auth_ parameters are used for signing in and receiving a Bearer Token used in the backend API requests.
See sample file: inventory-iframe.ini[pi_kiosk:vars] kiosk_url=/home/pi/show-id.html cron_check_minute="0****" lookup_server= auth_domain= auth_client_id=tur755ygFUryfSKm8DR9W auth_client_secret=UShRsA6y9hV_Dy7Fl auth_audience=my-project-api auth_grant_type=client_credentials ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3
cd ansible
# First time you need to be prompted for the password since the keys are not applied yet
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i inventory.ini --user <user> --ask-pass --diff -vv
# Thereafter you can skip the --ask-pass if your put your public key in the public_keys folder
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i inventory.ini --diff -vv
# To only update the kiosk settings
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i inventory.ini --tags kiosk --diff -vv
- The application is run as the default user created during the image creation and used for deployment
- The public_keys are stored in the 'ansible/public_keys' folder
- The keys are assigned to the default user in playbook.yml
- The Authentication is using Client Credentials Grant Type