R package to estimate leaf area density (LAD), leaf area index (LAI), and forest structural attributes from airborne LiDAR point clouds.
For theory behind the package please see the citation below. Please cite with use.
Kamoske A.G., Dahlin K.M., Stark S.C., and Serbin S.P. 2019. Leaf area density from airborne LiDAR: Comparing sensors and resolutions in a forest ecosystem. Forest Ecology and Management 433, 364-375.
Dr. Aaron G. Kamoske
- [USDA Forest Service, National Adaptive Management Analyst]
- [email protected]
Dr. Scott C. Stark
Dr. Shawn P. Serbin
- Brookhaven National Laboratory, Environmental and Climate Sciences Department
- Terrestrial Ecosystem Science and Technology (TEST) group
- [email protected]
Dr. Kyla M. Dahlin
- Michigan State University, Department of Geography, Environment, and Spatial Sciences
- Michigan State University, Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, and Behavior Program
- [email protected]
The easiest way to install canopyLazR
is via install_github
from the devtools
# If you haven't already installed this package and its dependencies
# If you alread have devtools installed or just installed it
# Install canopyLazR from GitHub
# Load the library
Now all functions should be available.
NEON provides a teaching LiDAR dataset that is easy to download via R. We can use this file as a test dataset here. Code to download this .las file follows:
# Install missing R package if needed
list.of.packages <- c("uuid","rlas","devtools")
new.packages <- list.of.packages[!(list.of.packages %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"])]
if (length(new.packages)) {
print("installing : ")
install.packages(new.packages, repos = "http://cran.rstudio.com/", dependencies = TRUE)
# Create a scratch folder to contain example LiDAR dataset
scratch_folder <- file.path("~/scratch/neon_data/")
if (! file.exists(scratch_folder)) dir.create(scratch_folder,recursive=TRUE)
# Download NEON example .las file
download.file(url = "https://ndownloader.figshare.com/files/7024955",
destfile = file.path(scratch_folder,"neon_lidar_example.las"),
method = "auto",
mode = "wb")
Once the package is loaded into your R session, this is the an example of how to use the functions in this package to estimate LAD and LAI:
# Convert .laz or .las file into a voxelized lidar array
laz.data <- laz.to.array(laz.file.path = file.path(scratch_folder,"neon_lidar_example.las"),
voxel.resolution = 10,
z.resolution = 1,
use.classified.returns = TRUE)
# Level the voxelized array to mimic a canopy height model
level.canopy <- canopy.height.levelr(lidar.array = laz.data)
# Estimate LAD for each voxel in leveled array
lad.estimates <- machorn.lad(leveld.lidar.array = level.canopy,
voxel.height = 1,
beer.lambert.constant = NULL)
# Convert the LAD array into a single raster stack
lad.raster <- lad.array.to.raster.stack(lad.array = lad.estimates,
laz.array = laz.data,
epsg.code = 32611)
# Create a single LAI raster from the LAD raster stack
lai.raster <- raster::calc(lad.raster, fun = sum, na.rm = TRUE)
# Convert the list of LAZ arrays into a ground and canopy height raster
grd.can.rasters <- array.to.ground.and.canopy.rasters(laz.data, 32611)
# Calculate max LAD and height of max LAD
max.lad <- lad.ht.max(lad.array = lad.estimates,
laz.array = laz.data,
ht.cut = 5,
epsg.code = 32618)
# Calculate the ratio of filled and empty voxels in a given column of the canopy
empty.filled.ratio <- canopy.porosity.filled.ratio(lad.array = lad.estimates,
laz.array = laz.data,
ht.cut = 5,
epsg.code = 32618)
# Calculate the volume of filled and empty voxles in a given column of the canopy
empty.filled.volume <- canopy.porosity.filled.volume(lad.array = lad.estimates,
laz.array = laz.data,
ht.cut = 5,
xy.res = 10,
z.res = 1,
epsg.code = 32618)
# Calculate the within canopy rugosity
within.can.rugosity <- rugosity.within.canopy(lad.array = lad.estimates,
laz.array = laz.data,
ht.cut = 5,
epsg.code = 32618)
# Calculate the heights of various LAD quantiles
ht.quantiles <- lad.quantiles(lad.array = lad.estimates,
laz.array = laz.data,
ht.cut = 5,
epsg.code = 32618)
# Calculate various canopy volume metrics from Lefsky
can.volume <- canopy.volume(lad.array = lad.estimates,
laz.array = laz.data,
ht.cut = 5,
xy.res = 10,
z.res = 1,
epsg.code = 32618)
# We can calculate the depth of the euphotic zone by dividing by the volume of the voxel
euphotic.depth <- can.volume$euphotic.volume.column.raster / ( 10 * 10 * 1)
# Calculate the top of canopy rugosity volume
toc.rugos <- toc.rugosity(chm.raster = grd.can.rasters$chm.raster,
xy.res = 10,
z.res = 1)
# Plot the lai raster
# Plot the ground raster
# Plot the canopy height raster
# Plot the canopy height model raster
# Plot the max LAD raster
# Plot the height of max LAD raster
# Plot filled voxel ratio raster
# Plot porosity voxel ratio raster
# Plot filled voxel volume raster
# Plot porosity voxel volume raster
# Plot the standard deviation of LAD within a vertical column raster
# Plot within canopy rugosity
# Plot the height of the 10th quantile
# Plot the height of the 25th quantile
# Plot the height of the 50th quantile
# Plot the height of the 75th quantile
# Plot the height of the 90th quantile
# Plot the height of the mean LAD
# Plot the volume of the euphotic zone for each column
# Plot the total leaf area in the euphotic zone for each column
# Plot the depth of the euphotic zone
# Plot the volume of the oligophotic zone for each column
# Plot the total leaf area in the oligophotic zone for each column
# Plot the volume of the empty space within a given colume
# Plot the volume of the empty space within a 3x3 moving window
# Plot the volume of the euphotic zone within a 3x3 moving window
# Plot the volume of the oligophotic zone within a 3x3 moving window
# Plot the total leaf area of the euphotic zone within a 3x3 moving window
# Plot the total leaf area of the oligophotic zone within a 3x3 moving window
# Plot the top of canopy rugosity volume
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