Materials for lecture on computing tools at Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw
git clone
cd Narzedzia_Wspierajace_Programowanie
git commit -a # <--- this will save all the modification made
# to files tracked by the repository (optional)
git stash # <--- this will remove all modification to files
# tracked in the repository (optional)
git pull # <-- this download the latest version of the repository
# from the github. I yoy made a commit a conflicts between
# your modifications and newer version fom github might occur
ssh pd0XX # Assume ssh configuration for given node is
# present.Jupyter opens at port 9000.
# Remember Adjust ssh config.
~akalinow/Publiczny/NWP/nwp_lecture.sif #Start the container
source /opt/venv/bin/activate #Setup Python virtual environment
/opt/jupyter/ #Start Jupyter server
sudo docker run --name nwp_lecture --rm -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /home/$USER:/scratch -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:ro -w /home/ubuntu -p 9000:9000 akalinow/nwp_lecture
source /opt/venv/bin/activate #Setup Python virtual environment
/opt/jupyter/ #Start Jupyter server
mkdir %USERPROFILE%\Docker
docker pull akalinow/nwp_lecture
docker run --name nwp_lecture -v %WORKING_DIR%:/scratch -w /home/ubuntu -p 9000:9000 akalinow/ml_lecture
source /opt/venv/bin/activate #Setup Python virtual environment
/opt/jupyter/ #Start Jupyter server