A tool written in GO that grades DFA solutions
- Install Go
- Install godep
- Fetch dependencies (
dep ensure
) - Run the server (
go run main.go --serve
) - For additional help use
go run main.go -h
Currently the tool is deployed on dfatool.peetersons.id.lv
for demonstration purposes.
Grading functionality is available under POST /grade
Server accepts such data:
"attempt": DFA, // student attempt
"target": DFA // expected automaton
DFA: {
"transitions": array of TRANSITION, // transitions of DFA
"start_state": string, // start state of DFA
"final_states": array of string, // accepting states of DFA
"alphabet": array of string, // alphabet of DFA
"states": array of string // states of DFA
"from": string, // from state
"to": string, // to state
"symbol": string // with symbol
Response data:
"status": "ok / fail", // short status message
"message": string, // human readable status description
"error": string, // error description, if any
"total_score": float, // achieved score, if successful
"max_score": float, // max score
"lang_diff_score": float, // achieved score in language difference method
"dfa_diff_score": float // achieved score in dfa synatx difference method
Tool was developed during bachelor's thesis in University of Latvia 2018