This simple script runs every 5 minutes and gets MAC address of gateway you connected to. Based on that you can see where you have been.
Tested on OS X 10.6.
1.Copy watchdog to location you want (for this example - "/home/scripts/") 2.Create txt file (for this example - "/var/log/ww_log.txt") 3.In watchdog.sh set path to txt file from step (2).
echo $input >> /var/log/ww_log.txt
4.Set cron job (command: "crontab -e")
*/5 * * * * /home/scripts/watchdog.sh &> /dev/null
(This tells cron to run script every 5 minutes and dismiss any output)
5.Sit back and relax. Data should start to appear in file.
##Raw data
Data stored in ww_log.txt looks like this: