A framework helps the automation engineer build the complete test automation easily by integrating the various automation libraries, tools and supporting the way to execute Test Suite/ Test case using JSON for Data Driven.
- TestNG - A Testing framework
- Selenium WebDriver - A library you can use to test Web Application.
- Rest Assured - A library you can use to test HTTP-based REST services.
- Extent Report 3.0 - A framework for creating a test report
It can:
- Support WebUI Testing, APIs Testing.
- Integrating Extent Report 4.0 to generate a well-formed test report as HTML.
- Apply Page Object pattern.
- Write tests with multi data sets (data-driven) from JSON file.
- Run tests in parallel — TestNG feature.
- Run tests remotely (Selenium Grid or a cloud testing provider).
- It can be executed from Jenkins or any other CI tool.
Below diagram illustrates how the project works when running an execution file:
The TestNG runs the Test Suite file which is formed by xml file.
A test suite is defined in a JSON file that contains a collection of test cases, and a collection of test step with specified parameters in repectively.
- Testsuite/ testcase format.
"suiteName": "Verify [Add To Cart] feature",
"suiteDescription": "",
"testCases": [
"testId": "IN_AC1",
"testName": "Verify shopping cart counter (select 1 item)",
"testDescription": "",
"testObjectives": "Verify 1 item is added to cart",
"note": "",
"testSteps": [
"name": "Login with standard_user",
"class": "LoginAction",
"method": "login",
"parameters": {
"user": "standard_user",
"password": "secret_sauce"
"name": "Add item [Sauce Labs Backpack] to cart",
"class": "InventoryAction",
"method": "addToCartTest",
"parameters": {
"Item Names": ["Sauce Labs Backpack"],
"Counter": 1
- How to use?
- Define Action Class and Action method in highlevel_Action folder. Ex: Create Class Inventory Action contain addToCartTest method.
public class InventoryAction extends BaseAction {
public InventoryAction(WebAction action){
public void addToCartTest(ArrayList<String> item_names, int counter){
//2. Navigate to Inventory page
InventoryPage invPage = new InventoryPage(webAction);
for(Object item: item_names){
InventoryItem inItem =invPage.Map().getInventoryItem((String)item)
TestReportManager.getInstance().setStepInfo("validate the Remove button is presented.");
webAction.getSoftAssert().assertEquals(inItem.Map().isBtnRemovePresent(), true, "Ensure Remove button is presented.");
webAction.getSoftAssert().assertEquals(inItem.Map().isBtnAddToCartPresent(), false, "Ensure Add To Cart button is not presented.");
TestReportManager.getInstance().setStepInfo("Validate the shopping cart counter");
webAction.getSoftAssert().assertEquals(invPage.getHeaderContainer().Map().getLinkShoppingCart().getText(),Integer.toString(counter.intValue()), "Ensure number of added items is [" + webAction.getSoftAssert() + "]");
- Specify the JSON file path in Data Provider function.
DataProvider method
protected Object[] testDataSet(){
return fetchDataToDataSet("functional/inventory/AddToCartTest.json");
Refer to this for example
Based on the series of Test Automation Design Pattern from site "https://www.automatetheplanet.com/advanced-page-object-pattern/", this framework supports 2 base classes are BaseUI, BaseUIMap. So a UI Control as page/modal dialog or any UI control should be a set of 3 classes that extent to above 3 classes.
- A class extents BaseUI: where defining the highlevel action methods in page/modal dialog/ control.
- A class extents BaseUIMap: where finding the elements in page, control or modal dialog for mapping, and this class is used by Map() functions in BaseUI class and BaseUIValidator class.
public class LoginPage extends BaseWebUI<LoginPageMap,LoginPageValidator> {
public LoginPage(WebAction action) {
super(new LoginPageMap(), new LoginPageValidator(), action);
public LoginPage login(String user, String password) {
webAction.type(Map().getTxtUser(), "User Name", user);
webAction.type(Map().getTxtPassword(), "Password", password);
webAction.click(Map().getBtnLogIn(), "Login");
return this;
public class LoginPageMap extends BaseWebUIMap {
@FindBy(id = "user-name")
private WebElement txtUser;
@FindBy(id = "password")
private WebElement txtPassword;
@FindBy(css = ".btn_action")
private WebElement btnLogIn;
public WebElement getTxtUser() {
return txtUser;
public WebElement getTxtPassword() {
return txtPassword;
public WebElement getBtnLogIn() {
return btnLogIn;
- BaseTest class is supported for running test by 1 test method:
- Contain RunTest method which is used to run all testcases are specified by testDataSet DataProvider method. The reflection technique is used for loading action class and then invoking the action method inside that action class for each step.
@Test(dataProvider = "testDataSet")
public void runTestCase(Object[] params){
String stepInfo = "";
for (TestStep step: curTestCase.get_testSteps()) {
stepInfo = step.getName() + "</br><u>Action Class:</u> " + step.getClassExecution() + "</br><u>Action:</u> " + step.getMethod();
try {
Object actionClass = actionClasses.get(step.getClassExecution());
if(actionClass == null){
Class<?> cl = Class.forName(highLevelActionFolder + step.getClassExecution());
Constructor<?> cons = cl.getConstructor(WebAction.class);
actionClass = cons.newInstance(webAction);
Method setTestVars = actionClass.getClass().getMethod("setTestVars", configVars.getClass());
setTestVars.invoke(actionClass, configVars);
Method action = actionClass.getClass().getMethod(step.getMethod(),step.getClass());
action.invoke(actionClass, step);
catch(InvocationTargetException e){
webAction.getSoftAssert().assertTrue(false, e.getTargetException().getMessage());
catch(Exception e){
webAction.getSoftAssert().assertTrue(false, e.toString());
- Integrating to the Extent Report:
- Initialize Test Report in @BeforeSuite method.
- Create and add test suites/ test cases information in @BeforeMethod method.
- Log test status for each test step, test case (Pass, Fail, Skip).
- Support option of starting browser at @BeforeMethod, and options of stop browser at @AfterMethod or @AfterClass
- Loading the specified config file in @BeforeSuite.
- Refer to this file to get more.
- WebAction class is wrapper of Selenium Webdriver.
- Can access to Selenium Web Driver to start/ stop browser.
- Support some web actions in visually.
- This object should be passed through all UI control (see ## Apply Page Object Pattern section ).
- APIAction class is wrapper of Rest Assured library.
- Support the methods for API Testing via Rest Assured.
- The Extent Test Report is built by singleton class, so we can call TestReportManager.getIntance() to set Test Steps information in Test Method easily. Eg:
TestReportManager.getInstance().setStepInfo("Login to SauceDemo Page with user name ='" + user + "', password ='" + password + "'");
- Thanks for all of the support you guys (my colleagues) given me to complete this framework regardless of how big or small. Especially you Nguyen Trong Tuyen who have contributed many good ideas for this framework.
- Besides, thanks Anton Angelov for your sharing knowlege about the professional automation testing framework via https://www.automatetheplanet.com/
- Finally, all contributions are welcome.