- Nodejs v0.12.7 https://nodejs.org/en/blog/release/v0.12.7/ (Select the downloader appropriate for your operating system)
npm install
- Mocha
- requirejs
- yargs
- xlsx
- n-readlines
- gruntjs
Example: node main.js --full -x "{filepath1}\Excel.xlsx" --fd "{filepath5}\Description_Full.txt" -l "{filepath6}\Refset_Language.txt"
- Used in the main directory of the repository. Outputs a results.xlsx file directly into the current directory.
npm install -g
Example: nhsntool --full -x "{filepath1}\Excel.xlsx" --fd "{filepath5}\Description_Full.txt" -l "{filepath6}\Refset_Language.txt"
- Outputs a results.xlsx file into the directory the tool is used from. Can be used anywhere.
- x - Specify the filepath to the Excel file
- ex: -x {filepath1}\Excel.xlsx
delta - Indicate whether you're using delta documents. (c and d are required if this flag is used)
- ex: --delta
rel - Indicate that you're using the relationship delta document (r is required if this flag is used)
- ex: --rel
full - Indicate whether you're using the full description file (fd and l are required if this flag is used)
- ex: --full
all - Indicate that you're using all the usable document types (combines the previous 3 flags and has all of their requirements). If all is set, none of the other 3 flags should be set.
- ex: --all
c - Specify the filepath to the Concept Delta file (only necessary with delta or all flag thrown)
- ex: -c "{filepath2}\Concept.txt"
d - Specify the filepath to the Description Delta file (only necessary with delta or all flag thrown)
- ex: -d "{filepath3}\Description.txt"
r - Specify the filepath to the Relationship Delta file (only necessary with rel or all flag thrown)
- ex: -r "{filepath4}\Relationship.txt"
fd - Specify the filepath to the Full Description file (only necessary with the full or all flag thrown)
- ex: --fd "{filepath5}\Full_Description.txt"
l - Specify the filepath to the Refset Language file (only necessary with the full or all flag thrown)
- ex: -l "{filepath6}\Refset_Language.txt"
dl - Specify the delimiter used in the documents. Only supports tab or space right now (t | " ")
- ex: --dl t
ci - Specify the column where concept codes are found in the Concepts Delta document.
- ex: --ci 1
di - Specify the column where concept codes are found in the Descriptions Delta document.
- ex: --di 5
ri - Specify the columns where concept codes are found in the Relationships Delta document.
- ex: --ri 5,6
xi - Specify the column where concept codes are found in the excel spreadsheet.
- ex: --xi AA
li - Specify the columns in the Refset Language file where the Description ID and the acceptability ID are kept
- ex: --li 4,5
t - Specify the type of output wanted from the tool (txt | html | xlsx). xlsx is the default
- ex: -t txt
o - Specify an output path for the results.html file
- ex: -o "{filepath}/results.html"
fo - Force the scripts to create the folder specified in o if the path doesn't currently exist. Used in conjunction with -o.
- ex: --fo