This julia package aims to make experiments with some algorithms on meshes to compute dual graphs, i.e. also called graphs of elements, to implement after the corresponding algorithm in the Scotch software. Some functions manipulating meshes and graphs could be used for others purposes
using Pkg
using Mesh2Dual
julia msh2dmh.jl --filename data/ship001.msh --parts 3
julia shftdmh.jl --filename data/ship001-%r.dmh --shift 1
mpirun -np 3 julia mesh2dgr.jl --filename mesh_oliv.mesh
mpirun -np 3 julia dmh2dgr.jl --filename data/ship001-%r.dmh --ncommon 2
check.jl mesh_oliv-%r.dgr mesh_0-%r.dgr
Beware, the two dgr files must be in the working directory (or calling)
- to run some tests you need of shared versions of
exported with their paths intoMETIS_LIB
environments variables