This library is used to help test requests and responses made by guzzle. Instantiate an instance of AirtimeRewards\GuzzleTestHelper\MockGuzzleClient
with the same parameters you would instantiate the standard guzzle client, then responses can be injected and requests can be retrieved for assertions.
use AirtimeRewards\GuzzleTestHelper\MockGuzzleClient;
$client = new MockGuzzleClient();
$client->append(200, ['Content-Type' => 'text/plain'], 'Hello World!');
$response = $client->get('/foo');
echo $response->getBody(); // "Hello World!"
echo $response->getStatusCode(); // 200
$response2 = $client->post('/bar');
echo $response2->getStatusCode(); // 204
$request1 = $client->getRequest(0);
echo $request1->getUri(); // "/foo"
echo $request1->getMethod(); // "GET"
$request2 = $client->getLastRequest();
echo $request2->getUri(); // "/bar"
echo $request2->getMethod(); // "POST"