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Switch from Aion Kernel to AionR Kernel

MiaoShi09 edited this page Jan 24, 2019 · 1 revision

RPC APIs and Providers


AionR Kernel supports all the APIs Aion Kernel provided. JSON-RPC APIs Rust vs Java page provides more details.


AionR Kernel and Aion Kernel both opens port 8545(default) for HTTP request. Rust Aion Kernel opens port 8546 for WebSocket and $BASE/jsonrpc.ipc for IPC connections.


AionR Kernel is compatible with Aion-Web3

Genesis File

See Genesis Spec wiki page.

Import Accounts

Import from Aion Kernel keystores

To import local aion keystores into Rust Kernel, go to Rust Kernel directory and enter:

./aion account import <path/to/keystore/files>

And you can find imported keystore files in $BASE/keys/<chainname>

Import from private keys

To import private keys into Rust Kernel, go to Rust Kernel directory and enter:

./aion account import-by-key <private key>


To get mining rewards, an author need to add into config.toml file.

author = "an aion account where the rewards go"

AionR Kernel does not contain any internal miner. External Miner for AionR Kernel can be downloaded on Release page. This miner is recommended for testing purpose. The default stratum port for AionR Kernel is 8008.

./aionminer -l <IP>:<PORT> -t <cpu threads>

Rust Kernel also supports Aion solo mining pool.

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