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CMD & Config

Yuanjun edited this page Jan 15, 2020 · 13 revisions

CMD & Config


Parameter prioritization at startup: CMD > config > default
│   ├─ account
│   │   ├─ account new
│   │   ├─ account list
│   │   ├─ account import
│   │   ├─ account import-by-key
│   │   └─ account export-to-key
│   ├─ import
│   ├─ export
│   ├─ revert
│   └─ db
│         └─ db kill
     ├─ Operating Options
     │   ├─ chain
     │   ├─ keys path
     │   ├─ base path
     │   └─ db path
     ├─ Miscellaneous Options
     │   ├─ help
     │   ├─ full help
     │   ├─ version
     │   ├─ no config
     │   ├─ default config
     │   └─ config
     ├─ Account Options
     │   ├─ keys iterations
     │   ├─ refresh time
     │   ├─ unlock
     │   ├─ stake contract
     │   └─ password
     ├─ Network Options
     │   ├─ sync from boot nodes only
     │   ├─ max peers
     │   ├─ net id
     │   ├─ local node
     │   └─ boot nodes
     ├─ RPC Options
     │   └─ rpc processing threads
     ├─ Http Options
     │   ├─ no http
     │   ├─ http port
     │   ├─ http interface
     │   ├─ http apis
     │   ├─ http hosts
     │   ├─ http cors
     │   └─ http server threads
     ├─ WebSockets Options
     │   ├─ no ws
     │   ├─ ws port
     │   ├─ ws interface
     │   ├─ ws apis
     │   ├─ ws origins
     │   ├─ ws hosts
     │   └─ ws max connections
     ├─ IPC Options
     │   ├─ no ipc
     │   ├─ ipc path
     │   └─ ipc apis
     ├─ Sealing/Mining Options
     │   ├─ force sealing
     │   ├─ remove solved
     │   ├─ infinite pending block
     │   ├─ dynamic gas price
     │   ├─ reseal on txs
     │   ├─ reseal min period
     │   ├─ work queue size
     │   ├─ relay set
     │   ├─ gas floor target
     │   ├─ gas cap
     │   ├─ tx queue mem limit
     │   ├─ tx queue strategy
     │   ├─ tx queue ban count
     │   ├─ tx queue ban time
     │   ├─ min gas price
     │   ├─ max gas price
     │   ├─ local max gas price
     │   ├─ blk price window
     │   ├─ max blk traverse
     │   ├─ gas price percentile
     │   ├─ author
     │   ├─ tx gas limit
     │   ├─ tx time limit
     │   └─ extra data
     ├─ Database Options
     │   ├─ disable wal
     │   ├─ scale verifiers
     │   ├─ pruning
     │   ├─ pruning history
     │   ├─ pruning memory
     │   ├─ cache size blocks
     │   ├─ cache size queue
     │   ├─ cache size state
     │   ├─ db compaction
     │   ├─ fat db
     │   ├─ cache size
     │   └─ num verifiers
     └──Log Options
          └─ log config



Default config file path is $HOME/.aion/config.toml .
You can create and fill parameters you want in it.


If $HOME/.aion/config.toml doesn't exist when start aion, it will automatically generate a default config file on the default config file path.
You can also use $ ./aion --default-config to create a new default config as $HOME/.aion/default_config.toml
It will list all parameters with default value .
Note that parameters which default value is None will be presented as comments.


You can use $ ./aion --default-config="YOUR_CONFIG_PATH" to start aion with the config file you specified.


You can use $ ./aion --no-config to start aion without config file.

Table of config contents
├─ aion
│   ├─ chain
│   ├─ keys_path
│   ├─ base_path
│   └─ db_path
├─ account
│   ├─ keys_iterations
│   ├─ refresh_time
│   ├─ unlock
│   ├─ stake contract
│   └─ password
├─ network
│   ├─ sync_from_boot_nodes_only
│   ├─ max_peers
│   ├─ net_id
│   ├─ local_node
│   └─ boot_nodes
├─ rpc
│   └─ processing_threads
├─ http
│   ├─ disable
│   ├─ port
│   ├─ interface
│   ├─ apis
│   ├─ hosts
│   ├─ cors
│   └─ server_threads
├─ websockets
│   ├─ disable
│   ├─ port
│   ├─ interface
│   ├─ apis
│   ├─ origins
│   ├─ hosts
│   └─ max_connections
├─ ipc
│   ├─ disable
│   ├─ path
│   └─ apis
├─ mining
│   ├─ force_sealing
│   ├─ remove_solved
│   ├─ infinite_pending_block
│   ├─ dynamic_gas_price
│   ├─ reseal_on_txs
│   ├─ reseal_min_period
│   ├─ work_queue_size
│   ├─ relay_set
│   ├─ gas_floor_target
│   ├─ gas_cap
│   ├─ tx_queue_mem_limit
│   ├─ tx_queue_strategy
│   ├─ tx_queue_ban_count
│   ├─ tx_queue_ban_time
│   ├─ min_gas_price
│   ├─ max_gas_price
│   ├─ local_max_gas_price
│   ├─ blk_price_window
│   ├─ max_blk_traverse
│   ├─ gas_price_percentile
│   ├─ author
│   ├─ tx_gas_limit
│   ├─ tx_time_limit
│   └─ extra_data
├─ db
│   ├─ disable_wal
│   ├─ scale_verifiers
│   ├─ pruning
│   ├─ pruning_history
│   ├─ pruning_memory
│   ├─ cache_size_blocks
│   ├─ cache_size_queue
│   ├─ cache_size_state
│   ├─ db_compaction
│   ├─ fat_db
│   ├─ cache_size
│   └─ num_verifiers
└─ log
     └─ log_config



Account management operations

$ aion account

account new

Create a new account

$ aion account new

account list

List existing accounts

$ aion account list

account import

Import account keystore files

$ aion account import <PATH>

PATH: Path to the accounts
This argument must be included when running this subcommand.
This argument can have multiple.

account import by key

Import account by private key

$ aion account import-by-key <key>

key: the private key This argument must be included when running this subcommand.

account export to key

Export account to private key

$ aion account export-to-key <address>

address: account address
This argument must be included when running this subcommand.


Import blockchain

$ aion import [--format=[FORMAT]] <FILE>

--format: (optional)define the input format. e.g.:--format=hex

Import in a given format. FORMAT must be either 'hex' or 'binary'. (default: auto)

FILE: Path to the file to import from
This argument must be included when running this subcommand.


Export blockchain

$ aion export [--format=[FORMAT]|--from=[BLOCK]|--to=[BLOCK]] <FILE>

--format: (optional)define the output format. e.g.:--format=hex

Export in a given format. FORMAT must be either 'hex' or 'binary'. (default: binary)

--from: (optional)define from block number or hash. e.g.:--from=1

default: "1"

--to: (optional)define to block number, hash or tag. e.g.:--to=latest

Export to (including) block BLOCK, which may be an index, hash or latest.
default: "latest"

FILE: Path to the exported file


Revert blockchain

$ aion revert --to=[BLOCK]

--to: Revert Database to (including) block BLOCK, which may be an index, hash. e.g.:--to=0

default: "0"


Manage the database representing the state of the blockchain on this system

$ aion db

db kill

Clean the database

$ aion db kill


Operating Options




$ aion --chain=[CHAIN]
  • e.g.:--chain=mainnet

Specify the blockchain type. CHAIN may be a JSON chain specification file.
default: "mainnet"


chain = "mainnet"

keys path

$ aion --keys-path=[PATH]
  • e.g.:--keys-path=.aion/keys

Specify the path for JSON key files to be found


#keys_path = None
  • e.g.:keys_path =".aion/keys"

base path

$ aion -d/--base-path=[PATH]
  • e.g.:-d/--base-path="/root/.aion"

Specify the base data storage path.


#base_path = None
  • e.g.:base_path = "/root/.aion"

db path

$ aion --db-path=[PATH]
  • e.g.:--db-path=/root/.aion/db

Specify the database directory path


#db_path = None
  • e.g.:db_path ="/root/.aion/db"

Miscellaneous Options


$ aion -h/--help

Show help information.

full help

$ aion --full-help

Show full help information.


$ aion -v, --version

Show information about version.

no config

$ aion --no-config

Don't load a configuration file.

default config

$ aion --default-config

Print DEFAULT configuration to $HOME/.aion/default_config.toml.


$ aion -c/--config=[CONFIG]
  • e.g.:-c/--config=$HOME/.aion/config.toml

Specify a configuration. CONFIG may be a configuration file .
default: "$HOME/.aion/config.toml"

Account Options



keys iterations

$ aion --keys-iterations=[NUM]
  • e.g.:--keys-iterations=10240

Specify the number of iterations to use when deriving key from the password (bigger is more secure)
default: 10240


keys_iterations = 10240

refresh time

$ aion --accounts-refresh=[TIME]
  • e.g.:--accounts-refresh=5

Specify the cache time of accounts read from disk. If you manage thousands of accounts set this to 0 to disable refresh.
default: 5


refresh_time = 5


$ aion --unlock=[ACCOUNTS]...

Unlock ACCOUNTS for the duration of the execution. ACCOUNTS is a comma-delimited list of addresses.
This argument can have multiple .
default: []


unlock = []
  • e.g.:unlock =["a05a27f0c1ea16ed4433c9efc86ac08effbf2cd4530d08a2b35393b05e489df5","a064f2fbf5d703733d723ba5f08109d96196467331d5b4568835a634e81c5715"]


$ aion --password=[FILE]...
  • e.g.:--password="/root/password"

Provide a list of files containing passwords for unlocking accounts. Leading and trailing whitespace is trimmed.
This argument can have multiple.
default: []


password = []
  • e.g.:password = "/root/password"

stake contract

$ aion --stake-contract=[ADDRESS]
  • e.g.:--stake-contract="0xa0cafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafeca"

Specify the PoS staking contract address.


#stake_contract = None
  • e.g.:stake_contract = "0xa0cafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafeca"

Network Options



sync from boot nodes only

$ aion --sync-boot-nodes-only

Indicates if only sync from bootnodes.


sync_from_boot_nodes_only = false

max peers

$ aion --max-peers=[NUM]
  • e.g.:--max-peers=64

Allow up to NUM peers.
default: 64


max_peers = 64

net id

$ aion --net-id=[INDEX]
  • e.g.:--net-id=256

Override the network identifier from the chain we are on.
default: 256


net_id = 256

local node

$ aion --local-node=[NODE]

Override the local node. NODE should be a p2p node.
default: "p2p://[email protected]:30303"


local_node = "p2p://[email protected]:30303"

boot nodes

$ aion --boot-nodes=[NODES]...

Override the boot nodes from our chain. NODES should be p2p nodes.
This argument can have multiple.
default: [
"p2p://[email protected]:30303",
"p2p://[email protected]:30303",
"p2p://[email protected]:30303",
"p2p://[email protected]:30303",
"p2p://[email protected]:30303",
"p2p://[email protected]:30303"


boot_nodes = ["p2p://[email protected]:30303", "p2p://[email protected]:30303", "p2p://[email protected]:30303", "p2p://[email protected]:30303", "p2p://[email protected]:30303", "p2p://[email protected]:30303"]

Rpc Options



rpc processing threads

$ aion --rpc--processing-threads=[NUM]

Turn on additional processing threads for JSON-RPC servers (for all severs i.e for websocket and ipc). Setting this to a non-zero value allows parallel execution of cpu-heavy queries.


#processing_threads = None
  • e.g.:processing_threads = 5

Http Options



no http

$ aion --no-http

Disable the Http API server.


disable = false

http port

$ aion --http-port=[PORT]
  • e.g.:--http-port=8545

Specify the port portion of the HTTP API server.
default: 8545


port = 8545

http interface

$ aion --http-interface=[IP]
  • e.g.:--http-interface=""

Specify the hostname portion of the HTTP API server, IP should be an interface's IP address, or all (all interfaces) or local. all means , local means .
default: "local"


interface = ""

http apis

$ aion --http-apis=[APIS]...
  • e.g.:--http-apis=all

Specify the APIs available through the HTTP interface. APIS is a comma-delimited list of API name. Possible name are all, web3, eth, stratum, net, personal, rpc. You can also disable a specific API by putting '-' in the front: all,-personal.NOTE that HTTP doesn’t support pubsub
This argument can have multiple .
default: [ "all", "-pubsub" ]


apis = ["all", "-pubsub"]

http hosts

$ aion --http-hosts=[HOSTS]...
  • e.g.:--http-hosts=none

List of allowed Host header values. This option will validate the Host header sent by the browser, it is additional security against some attack vectors. Special options: "all", "none",.
This argument can have multiple .
default: [ "none" ]


hosts = ["none"]

http cors

$ aion --http-cors=[URL]...
  • e.g.:--http-cors=none

Specify CORS header for HTTP JSON-RPC API responses. Special options: "all", "none".
This argument can have multiple .
default: [ "none" ]


cors = ["none"]

http server threads

$ aion --http-server-threads=[NUM]

Enables multiple threads handling incoming connections for HTTP JSON-RPC server.


#server_threads = None
  • e.g.:server_threads = 3

WebSockets Options



no ws

$ aion --no-ws

Disable the WebSockets server.


disable = false

ws port

$ aion --ws-port=[PORT]
  • e.g.:--ws-port=8546

Specify the port portion of the WebSockets server.
default: 8546


port = 8546

ws interface

$ aion --ws-interface=[IP]
  • e.g.:--ws-interface=""

Specify the hostname portion of the WebSockets server, IP should be an interface's IP address, or all (all interfaces) or local. all means , local means .
default: "local"


interface = ""

ws apis

$ aion --ws-apis=[APIS]...
  • e.g.:--ws-apis=all

Specify the APIs available through the WebSockets interface. APIS is a comma-delimited list of API name. Possible name are web3, eth, stratum, net, personal, rpc, pubsub.
This argument can have multiple .
default: [ "all", "-pubsub" ]


apis = ["all", "-pubsub"]

ws origins

$ aion --ws-origins=[URL]...
  • e.g.:--ws-origins=none

Specify Origin header values allowed to connect. Special options: "all", "none".
This argument can have multiple.
default: [ "none" ]


origins = ["none"]

ws hosts

$ aion --ws-hosts=[HOSTS]...
  • e.g.:--ws-hosts=none

List of allowed Host header values. This option will validate the Host header sent by the browser, it is additional security against some attack vectors. Special options: "all", "none".
This argument can have multiple.
default: [ "none" ]


hosts = ["none"]

ws max connections

$ aion --ws-max-connections=[CONN]
  • e.g.:--ws-max-connections=100

Maximum number of allowed concurrent WebSockets JSON-RPC connections.
default: 100


max_connections = 100

IPC Options



no ipc

$ aion --no-ipc

Disable JSON-RPC over IPC service.


disable = false

ipc path

$ aion --ipc-path=[PATH]
  • e.g.:--ipc-path=$BASE/jsonrpc.ipc

Specify custom path for JSON-RPC over IPC service.
default: "$BASE/jsonrpc.ipc"


path = "$BASE/jsonrpc.ipc"

ipc apis

$ aion --ipc-apis=[APIS]...
  • e.g.:--ipc-apis=all

Specify custom API set available via JSON-RPC over IPC. Possible name are web3, eth, stratum, net, personal, rpc, pubsub.
This argument can have multiple.
default: [ "all", "-pubsub" ]


apis = ["all", "-pubsub"]

Sealing/Mining Options



force sealing

$ aion --force-sealing

Force the node to author new blocks as if it were always sealing/mining.


force_sealing = false

remove solved

$ aion --remove-solved

Move solved blocks from the work package queue instead of cloning them. This gives a slightly faster import speed, but means that extra solutions submitted for the same work package will go unused.


remove_solved = false

infinite pending block

$ aion --infinite-pending-block

Pending block will be created with maximal possible gas limit and will execute all transactions in the queue. Note that such block is invalid and should never be attempted to be mined.


infinite_pending_block = false

dynamic gas price

$ aion --dynamic-gas-price

use dynamic gas price which adjust with --gas-price-percentile, --max-blk-traverse, --blk-price-window


dynamic_gas_price = false

reseal on txs

$ aion --reseal-on-txs=[SET]
  • e.g.:--reseal-on-txs=own

Specify which transactions should force the node to reseal a block. SET is one of: none - never reseal on new transactions; own - reseal only on a new local transaction; ext - reseal only on a new external transaction; all - reseal on all new transactions.
default: "own"


reseal_on_txs = "own"

reseal min period

$ aion --reseal-min-period=[MS]
  • e.g.:--reseal-min-period=4000

Specify the minimum time between reseals from incoming transactions. MS is time measured in milliseconds.
default: 4000


reseal_min_period = 4000

work queue size

$ aion --work-queue-size=[ITEMS]
  • e.g.:--work-queue-size=20

Specify the number of historical work packages which are kept cached lest a solution is found for them later. High values take more memory but result in fewer unusable solutions.
default: 20


work_queue_size = 20

relay set

$ aion --relay-set=[SET]
  • e.g.:--relay-set=cheap

Set of transactions to relay. SET may be: cheap - Relay any transacticon in the queue (this may include invalid transactions); strict - Relay only executed transactions (this guarantees we don't relay invalid transactions, but means we relay nothing if not mining); lenient - Same as strict when mining, and cheap when not.
default: "cheap"


relay_set = "cheap"

gas floor target

$ aion --gas-floor-target=[GAS]
  • e.g.:--gas-floor-target=15000000

Amount of gas per block to target when sealing a new block.
default: "15000000"


gas_floor_target = "15000000"

gas cap

$ aion --gas-cap=[GAS]
  • e.g.:--gas-cap=20000000

A cap on how large we will raise the gas limit per block due to transaction volume.
default: "20000000"


gas_cap = "20000000"

tx queue mem limit

$ aion --tx-queue-mem-limit=[MB]
  • e.g.:--tx-queue-mem-limit=2

Maximum amount of memory that can be used by the transaction queue. Setting this parameter to 0 disables limiting.
default: 2


tx_queue_mem_limit = 2

tx queue strategy

$ aion --tx-queue-strategy=[S]
  • e.g.:--tx-queue-strategy=gas_price

Prioritization strategy used to order transactions in the queue. S may be: gas - Prioritize txs with low gas limit; gas_price - Prioritize txs with high gas price; gas_factor - Prioritize txs using gas price and gas limit ratio.
default: "gas_price"


tx_queue_strategy = "gas_price"

tx queue ban count

$ aion --tx-queue-ban-count=[C]
  • e.g.:--tx-queue-ban-count=1

Number of times maximal time for execution (--tx-time-limit) can be exceeded before banning sender/recipient/code.
default: 1


tx_queue_ban_count = 1

tx queue ban time

$ aion --tx-queue-ban-time=[SEC]
  • e.g.:--tx-queue-ban-time=180

Banning time (in seconds) for offenders of specified execution time limit. Also number of offending actions have to reach the threshold within that time.
default: 180


tx_queue_ban_time = 180

min gas price

$ aion --min-gas-price=[NUM]
  • e.g.:--min-gas-price=10000000000

Minimum amount of Wei per GAS to be paid for a transaction to be accepted for mining.
default: 10000000000


min_gas_price = 10000000000

max gas price

$ aion --max-gas-price=[NUM]
  • e.g.:--max-gas-price=9000000000000000000

Maximum amount of Wei per GAS to be paid for a transaction to be accepted for mining.
default: 9000000000000000000


max_gas_price = 9000000000000000000

local max gas price

$ aion --local-max-gas-price=[NUM]
  • e.g.:--local-max-gas-price=100000000000

Maximum amount of Wei per GAS to be set for a new local transaction to be accepted for mining when using dynamic gas price.
default: 100000000000


local_max_gas_price = 100000000000

blk price window

$ aion --blk-price-window=[BLOCKS]
  • e.g.:--blk-price-window=20

Take BLOCKS blk_price in blocks which have transactions for dynamic gas price adjustment. It'll not work without --dynamic-gas-price.
default: 20


blk_price_window = 20

max blk traverse

$ aion --max-blk-traverse=[BLOCKS]
  • e.g.:--max-blk-traverse=64

Maximum amount of blocks can be traversed. It'll not work without --dynamic-gas-price.
default: 64


max_blk_traverse = 64

gas price percentile

$ aion --gas-price-percentile=[PCT]
  • e.g.:--gas-price-percentile=60

Set PCT percentile block price value from last blk_price_window blocks as default gas price when sending transactions. It'll not work without --dynamic-gas-price.
default: 60


gas_price_percentile = 60


$ aion --author=[ADDRESS]
  • e.g.:--author=a064f2fbf5d703733d723ba5f08109d96196467331d5b4568835a634e81c5715

Specify the block author (aka "coinbase") address for sending block rewards from sealed blocks. NOTE: MINING WILL NOT WORK WITHOUT THIS OPTION.


#author = None
  • e.g.:author = "a064f2fbf5d703733d723ba5f08109d96196467331d5b4568835a634e81c5715"

tx gas limit

$ aion --tx-gas-limit=[GAS]
  • e.g.:--tx-gas-limit=100000000000

Apply a limit of GAS as the maximum amount of gas a single transaction may have for it to be mined.


#tx_gas_limit = None
  • e.g.:tx_gas_limit = "100000000000"

tx time limit

$ aion --tx-time-limit=[MS]
  • e.g.:--tx-time-limit=600

Maximal time for processing single transaction. If enabled senders/recipients/code of transactions offending the limit will be banned from being included in transaction queue for 180 seconds.


#tx_time_limit = None
  • e.g.:tx_time_limit = 600

extra data

$ aion --extra-data=[STRING]
  • e.g.:--extra-data="aion"

Specify a custom extra-data for authored blocks, no more than 32 characters.


#extra_data = None
  • e.g.:extra_data = "aion"

Database Options



disable wal

$ aion --disable-wal

Disables DB WAL, which gives a significant speed up but means an unclean exit is unrecoverable.


disable_wal = false

scale verifiers

$ aion --scale-verifiers

Automatically scale amount of verifier threads based on workload. Not guaranteed to be faster.


scale_verifiers = false


$ aion --pruning=[METHOD]
  • e.g.:--pruning=archive

Configure pruning of the state/storage trie. METHOD may be one of auto, archive, fast: archive - keep all state trie data. No pruning. fast - maintain journal overlay. Fast but 50MB used. auto - use the method most recently synced or default to fast if none synced.
default: "archive"


pruning = "archive"

pruning history

$ aion --pruning-history=[NUM]
  • e.g.:--pruning-history=64

Set a minimum number of recent states to keep when pruning is active.
default: 64


pruning_history = 64

pruning memory

$ aion --pruning-memory=[MB]
  • e.g.:--pruning-memory=32

The ideal amount of memory in megabytes to use to store recent states. As many states as possible will be kept within this limit, and at least --pruning-history states will always be kept.
default: 32


pruning_memory = 32

cache size blocks

$ aion --cache-size-blocks=[MB]
  • e.g.:--cache-size-blocks=8

Specify the prefered size of the blockchain cache in megabytes.
default: 8


cache_size_blocks = 8

cache size queue

$ aion --cache-size-queue=[MB]
  • e.g.:--cache-size-queue=40

Specify the maximum size of memory to use for block queue.
default: 40


cache_size_queue = 40

cache size state

$ aion --cache-size-state=[MB]
  • e.g.:--cache-size-state=25

Specify the maximum size of memory to use for the state cache.
default: 25


cache_size_state = 25

db compaction

$ aion --db-compaction=[TYPE]
  • e.g.:--db-compaction=auto

Database compaction type. TYPE may be one of: ssd - suitable for SSDs and fast HDDs; hdd - suitable for slow HDDs; auto - determine automatically.
default: "auto"


db_compaction = "auto"

fat db

$ aion --fat-db=[BOOL]
  • e.g.:--fat-db=auto

Build appropriate information to allow enumeration of all accounts and storage keys. Doubles the size of the state database. BOOL may be one of on, off or auto.
default: "auto"


fat_db = "auto"

cache size

$ aion --cache-size=[MB]
  • e.g.:--cache-size=64

Set total amount of discretionary memory to use for the entire system, overrides other cache and queue options.


#cache_size = None
  • e.g.:cache_size =64

num verifiers

$ aion --num-verifiers=[INT]
  • e.g.:--num-verifiers=5

Amount of verifier threads to use or to begin with, if verifier auto-scaling is enabled.


#num_verifiers = None
  • e.g.:num_verifiers = 5

Log Options



log config

Since OANr-v1.1, a new log framework is used aiming at log division and compression. And new config grammar is introduced, namely yaml which is widely used as format of configuration.

$ aion --log-config="log_file_path"
  • e.g.:--log-config="/var/aionr/log"


config = "log_config.yaml"

Log Grammar

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