Random awesome hints, fixes and stuff. Also see robotics-setup.
- sindresorhus/awesome - A curated list of awesome lists on every topic, with particular detail for software, math and machine learning topics.
- awesome-robotics - Awesome robotics related stuff.
- awesome-tensorflow - Awesome TensorFlow experiments, libraries, and projects.
- linux tips - decent utilities and problem solving for ubuntu and linux (though not all suggestions seem secure)
- mac-setup - Recommended tools and a how-to for installing a Development environment on Mac OS X aka MacOS mac-setup github.
copy for pasting
- Command+Control+Shift+3 - capture all screens
- Command+Control+Shift+4 - select bounding box
- Command+Control+Shift+4 the spacebar - select a window
save to desktop
- Command+Shift+3 - capture all screens
- Command+Shift+4 - select bounding box
- Command+Shift+4 then spacebar - select a window
set screenshot format
defaults write com.apple.screencapture type png
Options are png, jpg, gif, tiff, jpg
To be able to skip to the next word with command left and command right:
If you are using Zsh, like Oh My Zsh, in iTerm then go to: Preferences > Profiles > Keys sub-menu
Click the + sign to add a new command.
Add your shortcut such as command + left arrow then choose "Send Escape Sequence"
left: [1;5D
right: [1;5C
Sourcetree is a Git application for Windows + Mac
fix stree
command line utility
alias stree='/Applications/SourceTree.app/Contents/Resources/stree'
man -t command | open -f -a /Applications/Preview.app
OpenGL crashed you need to specify the display on which to run the program as follows:
DISPLAY=:0.0; sudo ./vrep.sh
Check your specific machine (or google) for what display variable to use.
apt-cache policy |grep http |awk '{print $2 $3}' |sort -u
apt-cache search keyword
To list all packages:
apt-cache search .
dpkg-query -L ros-kinetic-opencv3
sudo ubuntu-drivers devices
sudo iotop -aoP
QDirStat is an excellent utility for plotting the files and folders that take up the most disk space on your machine.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nathan-renniewaldock/qdirstat
sudo apt-get install qdirstat
There are a lot of steps for this so follow the link above if the instructions below aren't clear.
# figure out the pci bus slot of the device you want to display on (0, 1, 2 etc)
nvidia-smi -a
look for a line like the following for the device you want to display on:
Bus : 0x03
create a new gpu config file and edit it:
sudo nvidia-xconfig -multigpu=on
sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Update xorg.conf "Device" section to look like the following, replacing the "2" below with the value you found in nvidia-smi -a
Section "Device"
Identifier "Device0"
Driver "nvidia"
VendorName "NVIDIA Corporation"
BusID "PCI:2:0:0"
Save and exit then restart the computer.
sudo reboot now
- Open
Ubuntu application - Select the partition
- click the "settings" cog wheel
- click
Edit Mount Options
- change settings to mount at startup
More manual terminal instructions:
- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab- ntfs
sudo apt-get install gnome-sushi
This is when you've hit the inotify limit and files can't be opened. Instructions to see the limit and fix it or Alternate instructions.
pip install a local package folder with pip such that changes are immediately available in the package.
pip install -e . --user --upgrade
breathe - C++ ReStructuredText and Sphinx bridge to Doxygen
py-spy - Sampling based profiling of python code from a separate process. View with speedscope.app and follow the importing form py-spy instructions below.
py-spy --record $PID --format speedscope -o profile.speedscope.json
Global .gitignore:
git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore
Load and authorize your ssh key (such as for github):
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" && ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
perimssions error on you ssh key?
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
source-bash eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" && ssh-add ~/.ssh/github_rsa
ctrl + \
pdf2ps file.pdf
ps2pdf file.ps
Correct python permission errors
sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local/lib/python2.7
export SHELL=`which zsh`
[ -z "$ZSH_VERSION" ] && exec "$SHELL" -l
webtorrent desktop browser torrent
First install npm (node package manager) and then webtorrent:
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_8.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
npm install webtorrent webtorrent-cli webtorrent-hybrid -g
Then you can create your torrent:
webtorrent create /path/to/file/or/folder/to/share/ -o /path/to/file/or/folder/to/share.torrent
And seed it for others to download:
webtorrent seed /path/to/file/or/folder/to/share.torrent
rsync -ah --info=progress2 /copy/from/here /copy/to/here
example: whereis cmake
To see the current default instead use which
, ie which cmake
On macOS open the pdf with the "ColorSync Utility".
Prepping a latex paper for submission to ArXiV.org with bibtex
pdflatex main.tex --shell-escape && bibtex main && pdflatex main.tex && bibtex main && rm -rf main.pdf && cp main.bbl sample.bbl