- sample app (single activity) for mobile computing course in university
🎥 Watch demo on youtube
- ecommerce for ordring products
- [1] Login and signin for new users
- [2] reset password via email
- [3] show all categories in app
- [4] show product in certain category
- [5] show product details
- [6] can add / remove / update items in incomplete cart
- [7] User profile
- [8] search for product by name / QRcode / Vocie
- [9] locatoin tracking to drop order to your place
- [10] show some ads to make customer needs
- [11] support dark theme and light theme
- [12] upcoming feature : show User cart history
- android Lollipop or higher
- hilt for di
- kotlin Coroutine
- recyclerview
- material design
- navigation component
- mvvm architecture
- lifecycle component
- repository pattern
- network Bound Resouses
- Glide (for handling images)
- Firebase auth Ktx
- sharedPerferance
- google maps api
- QrCode Lib
- Firebase FireStore ktx