ReTube-ReactApp is a web application built using React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, that allows users to search for and watch YouTube videos. The application utilizes the YouTube Data API to retrieve video information and includes features such as video recommendations, user authentication, and the ability to create and manage playlists. ReTube-ReactApp provides a modern and seamless viewing experience for YouTube content.
ReTube is a react app client that is an open source project relying on React context an useful feature of React that it is great for passing down data to deeply nested components. In this project, I tried to show some features of react/react components, react context with Typescript.
- Video player customized
- Playlist
- Preview videos
- Responsive
- It's possible crop videos
- Support with localstorage
- React
- Typescript
- React Context (not Redux)
- Styled components
- React Router
📺 Responsive
✂️ Crop videos
🏠 Homepage
📺 Video preview
✏️ Edit video
- React
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
npm run start
Copyright (c) 2020-present, Ahmed Soliman