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Adam Haydon edited this page Jun 26, 2019 · 3 revisions

Multi-Site Operations

Once the work-flow is worked out for connecting to a Qlik Sense site, you can use the basic functionality to allow for operations across Qlik Sense sites or tiers.


Connecting to one Qlik Sense site, exporting all the apps with a specified CustomProperty, then importing those apps into another site and publishing them:

PS C:\Temp>Get-PfxCertificate .\qlikserver01-client.pfx | `
Connect-Qlik -ComputerName -UserName INTERNAL\sa_api -TrustAllCerts
PS C:\Temp>Get-QlikApp -filter "customProperties.value eq 'Yes'" | `
foreach {Export-QlikApp -id $ -filename "$($"}
PS C:\Temp>Get-PfxCertificate .\qlikserver02-client.pfx | `
Connect-Qlik -ComputerName -UserName INTERNAL\sa_api -TrustAllCerts
PS C:\Temp>Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter *.qvf | `
foreach {Import-QlikApp -file $_.Fullname-name $_.Basename -upload} | `
Publish-QlikApp -stream ExampleStream

Triggering reloads in batch

Once there is comfort with pipelines, then chains of pipelines can be constructed to do multiple operations with a low amount of scripting.


We are getting all tasks which are associated with apps in a given string, starting those tasks, and waiting for their execution:

  • Get-QlikReloadTask -filter " eq 'Monitoring Apps'" | Start-QlikTask -Wait | Wait-QlikExecution
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