The testing on the Udoo Neo board with specifications:
- CPU : NXP™ i.MX 6SoloX applications processor with an embedded ARM Cortex-A9 core & a Cortex-M4 Core
- RAM : DDR3 1GB
- OS : Linux UDOObuntu2 (14.04 LTS)
Change and adjust your project directory in the CMakeList file in the armgcc directory
cd /home/<username>/<your directory>/BSP_1.0.1_iMX6SX/<your project directory>/armgcc
export ARMGCC_DIR=/opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-7-2017-q4-major #adjust to your version of gcc-arm-none-eabi
sudo rm /media/<username>/boot/<compilation name>.bin
cd /home/<username>/<your directory>/BSP_1.0.1_iMX6SX/<your project directory>/armgcc/debug
sudo cp <compilation name>.bin /media/<username>/boot/<compilation name>.bin
sudo ./upload <compilation name>.bin 0x007f800
The testing is conducted by focusing on evaluating the performance of the FLoWRTOS kernel, by using a plant and without using a plant. The results of the performance test can be seen in more detail in the publication: