Small-perturbation (linearized) model for topographic response of ice shelves to localized melting. Also includes finite element code to solve the fully nonlinear problem. This code accompanies the manuscript:
Stubblefield, A.G., Wearing, M.G., & Meyer, C.R. (2023). Linear analysis of ice-shelf topography response to basal melting and freezing.
This repository contains a simple model for ice-shelves undergoing localized basal melting or freezing perturbations.
The figures in the manuscript can be reproduced with the Jupyter notebooks in the "notebooks" directory.
A derivation and analysis of the model is outlined in the first two notebooks. The final notebook "4_nonlinear.ipynb" relies on FEniCSx ( code in the "nonlinear-model" directory. This notebook can be run via Docker ( with the command:
docker run --init -ti -p 8888:8888 -v $(pwd):/home/fenics/shared -w /home/fenics/shared dolfinx/lab:stable
The "linear-model" directory contains:
- sets the physical and numerical parameters
- defines the functions that appear in the solution operators
- defines steady-state and time-dependent solution operators
Examples for running the code are provided in the Jupyter notebooks ("notebooks" directory).
The "nonlinear-model" directory is essentially a fork of the repo that has been translated into Dolfinx. The model is organized in 6 python files in the source directory as follows.
- contains all of the model parameters and model options.
- contains the Stokes system solver and related functions.
- contains functions that solve the surface kinematic equations, move the mesh, and some post-processing functions.
- contains functions that mark the mesh boundary and apply boundary conditions.
- contains surface mass balance functions: basal melting/freezing rate and surface accumulation/ablation rate.
- runs the model. It contains the time-stepping loop that calls the Stokes solver and mesh-related functions at each timestep, and returns the output.