This application is a very simple scanning application. It only supports PDF as the output format and you can only scan whole pages. All pages scanned in between saves will be added to the same multi-page PDF.
Make the file executable ("chmod 755") and run it from the command line ("./").
Alternatively, run it with the python interpreter ("python")
The scan button scans a page using the selected scanner settings. Every page that is scanned gets added to the queue of pages to be saved.
The preview button performs a quick scan using the selected colour mode. No pages gets saved to the queue.
The clear button removes all scanned pages from the queue.
The save button saves all queued pages into a multi-page PDF.
This program relies on:
- python-reportlab
- sane
- python-imaging
- python-imaging-sane
- wxPython
These are the names of the relevant Fedora packages. They might vary in your distribution.
This program has been written by Andreas Löf [email protected] and is licensed under the GPLv3.
The program only connects to the first scanner it detects. If you have multiple scanners, this will cause trouble.
The program doesn't allow you to select a region of a page for scanning, it only supports whole pages.
The program only outputs in A4. Adding support for other paper sizes would be easy, and will be done if other users request it.