Code climate |
$ composer require agile-pay/sdk
$agilePay = new \AgilePay\Sdk\AgilePay([
'api_key' => '',
'api_secret' => ''
$gateway = $agilePay->gateway()->create('stripe', [
'secret_key' => ''
The response will contain a gateway reference which is used to perform transactions against the gateway
In this case the payment method will be retained with the provided gateway, please check the availability of transaction store in the gateways
Gateways list ->!/gateway
Gateway token ->!/payment-method-create-gateway-token
$paymentMethod = $agilePay->paymentMethod()->createGatewayToken($gateway->reference, [
'number' => '',
'holder_name' => '',
'cvv' => '',
'expiry_month' => '', //mm
'expiry_year' => '', //yy
The response will contain a payment method token which is used to perform transactions against the payment method
$transaction = $agilePay->transaction()
->auth(500, 'eur'); //Charging 5.00 euros
The response will contain a reference which can be used for second steps transactions such as void, capture and refund
$response = $agilePay->transaction($transaction->reference)->void();
$response = $agilePay->transaction($transaction->reference)->capture();
$response = $agilePay->transaction($transaction->reference)->credit();