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🚀 Polygon E2E Test Runner

A lightweight, tag-based test runner for executing end-to-end tests against remote blockchain networks.

✨ Features

  • ✅ Run tests against any remote network by specifying environment variables before execution.
  • Tag-based execution (e.g., light, heavy, regression, danger) for flexibility.
  • Configurable Wallet Funding (DISABLE_FUNDING, FUNDING_AMOUNT_ETH).
  • Better Logging Control (SHOW_OUTPUT to enable/disable verbosity).
  • Allow Partial Failures (ALLOW_PARTIAL_FAILURES prevents full test suite failures).
  • Shellcheck Support for Bash linting in CI/CD.
  • Granular test filtering with --filter-tags.
  • CI-compatible – works seamlessly with GitHub Actions.

📚 Installation

Installing the Test Runner

Install the test runner locally:

make install

This will:

  • Install polygon-test-runner in ~/.local/bin
  • Ensure all dependencies (BATS (v1.11.1 or higher), Foundry, Go, jq, polycli) are installed.

💡 Ensure ~/.local/bin is in your PATH (handled automatically during install). If not:

export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"

To uninstall:

make uninstall

🚀 Running Tests

Run tagged tests against any remote blockchain:

L2_RPC_URL= polygon-test-runner --filter-tags "light"

🔹 Examples

Run all light tests:

polygon-test-runner --filter-tags "light"

Run a specific test:

polygon-test-runner --filter-tags "batch-verification"

Run heavy + danger tests together:

polygon-test-runner --filter-tags "heavy,danger"

Note: This commands must be run from the root of the project.

Run with logging enabled:

SHOW_OUTPUT=true polygon-test-runner --filter-tags "light"

Run without failing on errors:

ALLOW_PARTIAL_FAILURES=true polygon-test-runner --filter-tags "zk-counters"

🔧 Configurable Wallet Funding

Funding test wallets can now be enabled/disabled and dynamically configured:

Variable Description Default
DISABLE_FUNDING Disable wallet funding (set to true) false
FUNDING_AMOUNT_ETH Amount of ETH to fund test wallets 50

🔹 Example Usage

Disable wallet funding:

DISABLE_FUNDING=true polygon-test-runner --filter-tags "light"

Fund wallets with 10 ETH instead of 50:

FUNDING_AMOUNT_ETH=10 polygon-test-runner --filter-tags "light"

📝 Adding New Tests

1️⃣ Create a new test file

touch tests/<category>/my-new-test.bats

Example .bats test file:

# bats test_tags=light,zk
@test "RPC handles multiple transactions sequentially" {
    run cast send --rpc-url "$L2_RPC_URL" --private-key "$L2_SENDER_PRIVATE_KEY" --create 0x600160015B810190630000000456

2️⃣ Run the new test

polygon-test-runner --filter-tags "zk"

3️⃣ Add to CI (Optional)

Modify .github/workflows/test-e2e.yml:

- network: "fork12-rollup"
  bats_tests: "tag:zk"

🛡️ Debugging Test Failures

  1. Check logs in GitHub Actions.
  2. Run locally using the same environment variables.
  3. Ensure polygon-test-runner --help outputs correct usage.

📃 CLI Help

polygon-test-runner --help
🛠️ polygon-test-runner CLI

Usage: polygon-test-runner --filter-tags <tags>

  --filter-tags  Run test categories using BATS-native tags (e.g., light, heavy, danger).
  --allow-failures  Allow partial test failures without stopping the suite.
  --verbose      Show output of passing tests (default is off for readability).
  --help         Show this help message.

  polygon-test-runner --filter-tags "light"
  polygon-test-runner --filter-tags "zk"
  polygon-test-runner --filter-tags "heavy,danger"

💪 ShellCheck for CI/CD

To ensure clean Bash scripts, we've integrated shellcheck.

Run locally before committing:

make lint

To fix errors automatically:

make fix-lint

🛠️ Compiling Contracts Before Running Tests

To ensure your contracts are compiled before testing, run:

make compile-contracts

This will:

  1. Run forge build to compile the contracts.
  2. Execute ./core/helpers/scripts/ to apply necessary processing.

💡 You should run this before executing any tests that interact with deployed contracts.

🌟 Conclusion

👉 Simple setup
👉 Tag-based test execution
👉 Configurable wallet funding
👉 Easily extendable
👉 Designed for CI/CD

🚀 Start testing with polygon-test-runner today!