Hannibal is a new approach to reduce the complexity of programming a bot for 0 A.D., a free, open-source, cross-platform real-time strategy game under development by Wildfire Games. Hannibal tackles the complexity of an RTS with hundreds of units by organizing them into a society of autonomous groups, each with its specific task.
Read development notes at agentx.svbtle.com
A triple store to interfere features of cultures, like
who can gather fields, can a healer melee? -
A query language to retrieve information as a set of nodes from the triple store
"food.grain GATHEREDBY WITH costs.metal = 0, costs.stone = 0, costs.wood = 0 SORT < costs.food" -
A group system describing the behavior of groups of units
(grain-picker, hunter, warrior, guerrilla, miner, etc) -
A domain specific language called group script, based on JavaScript method and property chaining to define a fluent interface and describe the behaviour of groups in a near natural language
An economy model with an order queue, a cost analyzer and
a statistic module providing metrics based on resource flows with trends and forecast. -
A HTN Planner to calculate economic development, advancing to next phase and planning attack strategies
Map Analysis & Pathfinder for intelligent and adequate game play
- Check game paths for your system
- Locate folder \binaries\data\mods\ within 0 A.D. installation
- Copy the zip + readme from latest release into mods/
- Start 0 A.D.,
- Open mod selection and activate Hannibal
- Select single player/new game, and choose Hannibal as bot
- Choose a difficulty from the settings dialog
Test & Development
- Start 0 A.D. with params: -quickstart -autostart=aitest03 -autostart-ai=1:hannibal
- Customize launcher.py and launch 0 A.D. from commadline (Linux only)
HTML Data Explorer
Hannibal extensively logs against standard output until switched off in config.js. On Windows best seen using DebugView with option carriage returns unforced.
- The web interface aka explorer generates basic plans
- Added data browsing to explorer
- Saved games, given engine support (cancelled, for the time being)
- Shared, dynamic and exclusive buildings
- Plan based economy, taking resource availability into account
- Advanced map analysis
- Fortified cities (towers, walls?)
- Take advantage of all available technologies
- Basic attack plans and execution
- Walls, palisades
- Advanced attack plans
- Policies via SWOT analysis
- Seafaring, naval operation
- SpiderMonkey 29/31
- Javascript 1.85 + partially ES6
- FF30+
- F11: Enable/disable real-time profiler (toggles through the displays of information)
- F12: Show time elapsed since the beginning of the game
- F2: Take screenshot (in .png format, location is displayed in the top left of the GUI
- Alt + F: Show/hide frame counter (FPS)
- Alt + K: Show the 0 A.D. logo and copyright notice as a watermark for images.
- Alt + G: Hide/show the GUI
- Alt + D: Show/hide developer overlay (with developer options)
- Space: If timewarp mode enabled (in the developer overlay), speed up the game
- Backspace: If timewarp mode enabled (in the developer overlay), go back to an earlier point in the game
- More: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/HotKeys
Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach
Stuart Jonathan Russell, Peter Norvig -
A review of computational intelligence in RTS games
Raul Lara-Cabrera, Carlos Cotta, Antonio J. Fernandez-Leiva -
Planning with Hierarchical Task Networks in Video Games
John-Paul Kelly, Adi Botea, Sven Koenig -
A HTN Planner For A Real-Time Strategy Game
Jasper Laagland -
Wall Building in RTS Games
Patrick Schmid