Country flags in SVG format for your Laravel application. Uses lipis/flag-icons icons under the hood.
composer require agatanga/flags
// Render flag using default ratio:
// Tell what ratio to use, which classes, and attributes to add to the svg element:
@flag('us:1x1', 'w-64', ['id' => 'flag-us'])
// Render flag using default ratio:
{{ flag('us') }}
// Tell what ratio to use, which classes, and attributes to add to the svg element:
{{ flag('us:1x1', 'w-64', ['id' => 'flag-us']) }}
You may configure the default ratio to use, and default css classes to add:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Agatanga\Flags\FlagsServiceProvider"
vi config/flags.php
- lipis/flag-icons - Wonderful SVG flags.
- blade-ui-kit/blade-icons - Code and Idea.