This is a tutorial of the PrangeISD project.
For testing purposes, the following files contained in the test/ folder can be used:
- a Hamming(7,4) code, which can correct errors with Hamming weight equal to 1, and
- a Goppa(12,4,5) code, which can correct errors with Hamming weight up to 2.
For information about the Prange instruction set decoding algorithm, refer to:
- Clone the PrangeISD project from the repository:
$ git clone
- Create a bin/ folder inside the root of the project, and run make with the chosen N and K parameters:
$ mkdir bin
$ make N=(codeword length) K=(message length)
- Enter the test/ folder, and run g++:
$ cd test
$ g++ test_prange_goppa_N12_K4.cpp -c -I../include -DN=12 -DK=4 -o test_prange_goppa_N12_K4.o
$ g++ test_prange_goppa_N12_K4.o ../bin/prange_N12_K4.a -o test_goppa
- Launch the executable:
$ ./test_goppa