👋 Hi, I’m @aftonsteps (full name Afton Coombs). I’m a data scientist, developer, and dancer with an interest in archival technology, digital humanities, and anti-surveillance movement practices. As a dancer, my background is in tap, flatfoot, and house. As a data scientist and developer, I have worked in analytics, experimentation, data visualization, and web development. I most enjoy using these technical skills for artists and educators. I’m currently studying dance at Pasadena City College and computer science at Georgia Tech.
💻 You can find my website at https://www.aftonsteps.com
🌱 Some of my recent projects:
- I just finished a course in video game programming at Georgia Tech.
- I finished a dance residency through SEED where I choreographed a piece using anti-surveillance clothing.
- I'm maintainer of a blog/art project devoted to reviews of strange foods at snack-rooms.com.
- I'm the primary author and maintainer of an R package on CRAN. :) It's called {ggalignment} and it makes D&D alignment-style charts.
📫 How to reach me: Send me an email at [email protected], or send a DM to @aftonsteps on Mastodon, BlueSky, Twitter, IG, etc.