This is a referee for CodinGame's Winter Challenge 2024 with command line interface adapted for usage with cg-brutaltester
- install Java 17 and Maven
- run in command line
mvn package
in the root dir where pom.xml file is
The compiled jar file is in ./target/winter-2024-sprawl-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Build cg-brutaltester as described in its readme-file (cg-brutaltester)
To copy both referee and cg-brutaltester JAR files, i.e. winter-2024-sprawl-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar and cg-brutaltester-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to same directory make handling paths easier.
This is a sample command that works, you can change optptions as described in the BrutalTester readme-file.
java -jar cg-brutaltester-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
-r "java --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED -jar -Dleague.level=5 winter-2024-sprawl-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" \
-p1 "python3" \
-p2 "python3" \
-s \
-t 4 \
-n 10
Option -Dleague.level=5
above defines League-5 that is valid for Bronze and higher leagues.
To make it easier to set up the environment, I put two bots in the "sample_bots" directory. Bot B is exactly the placeholder code that Codingame IDE generates for python, it just reads the input and prints "WAIT". Bot A is a small modification, it grows basic cells in the first best empty square. Both bots can play in the bronze league, although weakly, and bot A consistently wins against bot B. You can use them to test your Brutaltester setup. The command above shall work.
For convenience, a working sample of
file is in psyleague_info
Default configuration created with psyleague config
is for C++, change cmd_bot_setup
, cmd_play_game
for your language, e.g. for Python:
cmd_bot_setup = ""
cmd_play_game = "python 'python %DIR%/%P1%' 'python %DIR%/%P2%'"